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Remus walked through the library, his fingers skimming over the spines of the books while he looked for one in particular. He had asked the librarian where it would be but she really just pointed to a general direction from behind her desk so it wasn't really that helpful.

He turned down one of the isles and let his eyes dart over the titles before making a small noise of success when he found it. "A Guide to the Maledictus and Everything about Them." The werewolf pulled it off the shelf and quickly found a table to sit at to read.

'There are many similarities between an Animagi and Maledictuses, like the ability to turn into a certain animal specifically to the affected, but there are differences that make it so you can tell the difference between them. Animagi have complete control over the process and can change without the use of their wands.

On the other hand, a Maledictus is able to morph into an animal as a result of a blood curse. Maledictuses are always women and pass the blood curse down to their daughters. This is the reason Lycanthropy isn't related to being a Maledictus while one can be born into being a werewolf, it's not a blood curse and werewolves and be of either sex.

The curse part of the equation is that eventually, a Maledictus will at some point turn into their animal form permanently. Considering how ominous the name sounds and how the only Maledictuses in record history ends up following the darkest wizards, it's understandable that some people would wonder if the curse means they were destined to be evil. They are not, they just have been manipulated into these acts.'

Remus pulled his head back and started to put the pieces together. Karmen was a Maledictus. That's what happened to her mom when she got that letter. Her mom turned into an animal permanently.

"Holy crap..."


The curly haired Gryffindor girl sat on the ground, her body propped up against a tree with one leg propped up and the other stretched out in front of her. Her sketch book were propped by against her up right leg while she drew more curls on the girl on the paper, her brown pen laying next to her in the grass.

She had been drawing more than usual ever since her mother disappearance, putting all of her emotions int it. Her head turned slightly when she heard the rustling of the grass moving towards her. Karmen smiled and chuckled lightly to herself when she realized who it was.

"Hi, Remus. We have to stop meeting like this." She said, giving him a small closed mouth smile.

"Are you a Maledictus?" He asked quickly, almost urgently. Her whole body froze at the question. Seeing this, Remus retracted, "Sorry. 'Didn't mean to ask that so bluntly."

"It's alright." Karmen said quietly, turning her head back down to her drawing. "How did you know?"

"You knew a lot of the answers in class, things that weren't even in the book so I went to the library and found a different book. Figured it out." As he spoke, Remus moved to sit on the ground beside her. "That's what happen to your mom, isn't it? She turned?"

She was silent for a few seconds, adding small lines to form shadows on the drawing in front of her. "Yup..That's what happened. It's why I stayed with Lily over the break. I...I just couldn't face my father after that."

"Were you the wolf we saw in Hogsmead last year?" He knew that maybe he was asking too many questions but he was curious.

"I didn't realize that you guys had seen us." Was all Karmen said.

"We did. It's hard not to notice a huge brown wolf walking through the village." He gave a slight chuckle, her following along with him, giving off a sad laugh.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, Remus watching over her shoulder as she continued her art. It was of a girl, drawn in black ink with large curly hair hugging another creature, it's gender unknown to him but it was drawn in brown instead. It seemed to have flowers growing from it's back. The black inked one looked almost like her.

"Do you eat chocolate for the same reason I do? To see if, one day, it will put us out of our misery and kill us?" She asked quietly, looking up from her drawing once more to look at her friend

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"Do you eat chocolate for the same reason I do? To see if, one day, it will put us out of our misery and kill us?" She asked quietly, looking up from her drawing once more to look at her friend.

He seemed almost shocked by her question but he solemnly nodded his head. She was right.

Karmen only hummed at this, deciding that she didn't need anymore conversation about this. Only for now.

A/N: I'm so sorry for the wait on this

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A/N: I'm so sorry for the wait on this. I was depressed and then I got sick so I was sick and depressed so sorry if this chapter is shit but now....I'm in the Emergency room. So....that's fun.

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