Chapter 24 Y/n's First Doctor Visit

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Y/n's POV

Mama went outside to get the mail while I stayed inside watching tv on the couch. After a few minutes of her being gone, I looked out the window to see Travis keeping mama near the door. I headed over to the door and opened it. "Mama, what is Travis doing to you?" I asked. She fell backwards, landing on me. Everything went black as I hit something hard. 

Kawaii~chan's POV

I heard something happen downstairs and headed down to see what was going on. "What's going on?" I asked, seeing Katelyn, Travis, Garroth, and Laurance by the door. I saw Aphmau on the floor with Y/n under her. "What happened?" I asked, rushing over.

"Aphmau passed out and landed on top of Y/n, who ended up hitting her head on the floor." Travis explained. I nodded and let them get Aphmau off Y/n before I picked her up and carried Y/n to the couch. Laurance and Garroth carried Aphmau over to the bigger couch and laid her down on it. "Kawaii~chan, will you look at Y/n's head and make sure she isn't bleeding?" Katelyn asked. I nodded and sat Y/n down so I could look at the back of her head. After looking over her head and making sure that she wasn't bleeding, I moved her to my lap and let her rest there, waiting for her to wake up. After a few more minutes, Aphmau woke up and looked around, trying to figure out what was going on. A few more minutes passed and Y/n finally woke up, but she instantly wanted Aphmau to hold her. Aphmau agreed and opened her arms for Y/n to walk over to her. After a little of trying to figure out what Aphmau was doing before she fainted someone knocked on the door. Travis opened it and allowed Aaron to come in. "Y/n~chan would you like some cookies?" I asked. She nodded and I headed to the kitchen to start making some. 

Y/n's POV

"So what happened with you two?" Papa asked.

"Travis did something and I ended up fainting, Y/n opened the door when I fainted and I ended up landing on her. She hit her head against the floor and passed out too." Mama explained. I turned in her lap and buried my head in her chest. "Is something wrong Y/n?" Mama asked. I shook my head and hugged her. "She's just trying not to show pain in front of everyone." Papa said. I felt someone's arms wrap around me before I was dragged away from mama. I tried to get out of the person's arms, but ended up in a hug from papa. "It's okay little wolf." Papa said. I hugged him as he sat down on the couch next to mama. "Travis may we have a word in private with you?" Gar asked. I heard them walk away from us before hearing someone else walk into the room. "Y/n~chan the cookie dough is done." Auntie Nana said. I hopped out of papa's arms and start to run over to her, but along the way I fell over landing on the floor again. "Y/n!" Mama yelled. I looked up and saw auntie Nana holding her hand out for me. I grabbed her hand and let her help me up. "I think Y/n~chan might have a concussion." Auntie Nana said.

"You're right, how about we go get her checked out?" Papa suggested.

"Yeah." Mama said. She walked over to me and picked me up. "Excuse us, but I'm going to take her to a doctor." Mama said.

"I'll drive you there." Papa said. When we got to papa's house they buckled me into the car and drove to a hospital. "Okay, we're here." Mama said. She got out and helped me out of papa's car before carrying me inside. They talked with a few people before having us wait in the lobby. A person in baby blue pants and shirt came out to see us. "Miss Aphmau and Y/n?" He asked looking at us. 

"That's us." Mama said picking me up. She carried me into the office where the man in baby blue. "We just have a few basic things to go over is that okay?" The man asked. Mama nodded and set me down, the man had me take off my shoes and step onto a scale before measuring my height. "Okay, I'll go get the doctor." The man said. A few minutes later a werewolf woman came into the room wearing a white coat. "Hi I'm Angel, I'm the werewolf doctor that works here. What brings you two in today?" Angel asked. Mama told her about what happened and the doctor nodded. "Okay, how about we check your head out?" Angel asked facing me. I nodded and let her look over my head. "Well I don't see any bleeding from the fall, but let's check her eyes." Angel said holding a light up. She shine it quickly in my eyes before pulling it away. "Sorry I know it's bright, but I can see some slight dialation so I want you to take it easy for a couple days nothing crazy." Angel said. She wanted to check a few other things and had me stand up. "Are you taking care of your tail and ears?" Angel asked. I nodded and looked at her. "Good, well like I said nothing crazy, just take a couple days off and limit what she does." Angel said to mama.

"What about taking her out for a night? Me and a group of friends are going out for valentines. Is it alright if she goes to that?" Mama asked. 

"Yes, it's fine so long as she's not doing anything too extreme. Be careful with her sleeping and just watch her for a few hours before you let her sleep by herself." Angel said.

"Thank you so much for looking at her." Mama said. Angel smiled and handed me a small lollipop. "Have a wonderful day and come back if you ever have any questions." Angel said. Mama nodded and carried me out of the room. We headed out and made it back home as auntie nana was pulling cookies out of the oven.

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