
Start from the beginning

"Hey, why are you staring at me like that? You look like you're about to murder me." Lonky said, which snapped Kuga out of his trance-like state.

"Maybe I should, so I don't have to see your hideous face ever again." the tiger snarled at him.

Maybe I should just get rid of you so I don't have to deal with these feelings anymore.

"Excuse me! Have you looked at yourself?" the giraf prince argued back, munching on his salad.

"We've never had dinner without an argument happening." Liu facepalmed. He was too tired to deal with them today. The sounds of their arguing almost drowning the grasshopper's voice completely.

"Leave them be, they're having their daily lover's quarrel." Gai joked, while pointing his finger at them.

To everyone's suprise, his remark made the arguing rivals speechless almost instantaneously, like he had put a spell on them. The atmosphere had become awkward, no one dared to utter a word. Eventually, Liu continued talking to Gai and Miyo about his predictions for the next game, which melted the tension. Everyone continued chatting like nothing happened. The two who were fighting earlier were simply dumbfounded. 'Did Gai just call us lovers?' was the only thing on their minds for the remainder of dinner. After the announcement for them to finish dinner played, they all went back to their dormitory.

"Just tell him already!" Popo encouraged.

"But... what if he doesn't like me back?" The other slumped on his chair, his chin leaning on his hand.

"Bro, if you're not going to tell him, I will." the penguin sighed. Lately, all his friend could think about was his crush, and Popo was sick and tired of it.

"Urgh, why do you want me to confess to him so badly?" he asked.

"Are you kidding me? Turns out 'in-love' Lonky is way more annoying than 'normal' Lonky. Besides, you could just tell him it's a prank or some sorta dare if he doesn't like you back." the shorter said, while arranging his cards.

Maybe Popo had a point. If he confessed his feelings to Kuga, perhaps it would loosen the knot in his stomach everytime he had to talk to him.

"Alright fine, I'll do it." he relunctantly responded. Now would be a good time to do so, as everyone was already in their rooms. He got up and opened the door to the hallway. As he walked through the quiet corridor, he thought about how he was going to tell him. He could be romantic; describe everything he liked about him, serenade him or maybe recite a fancy poem. He just needed to tell him that he liked him, and if that backfired, then he could just say it was a dare, a completely foolproof plan.

He saw the Bars tribe member sitting on the seats circling the table of the central dorm area. Lonky took a deep breath and approched him. "Hey, Kuga." he said rather confidently, hoping the other wouldn't sense his fear.

"What?" Kuga replied, looking up at him with his phone in his hand. When their eyes met, all of Lonky's confidence flew out the window. He froze in his place, unable to move.

"I like you. Not in a friend way, more than that." he blurted out, his face now flustered. The atmosphere was tense. He wanted to continue but he couldn't, not with Kuga staring at him with a suprised look on his face. The giraffe decided to bolt out of there in panic, completely ditching plan B.

But as he was turning to run away, a hand grabbed onto his wrist and stopped him.

"Where the hell are you going? You think you can just run after saying that?" the tiger growled at him. Lonky gulped, only responding with an awkward laugh, expecting to be beaten up, but then the other's furious expression begin to soften.

"Atleast listen to my response before you leave, idiot. I... I like you too. " Kuga muttered, his head was lowered with his gaze on the floor, unable to look at the other's face.

Before he could say another word, the giraffe lifted his head and leaned in until their lips met. Time felt like it froze for the both of them. As they embraced, the tiger's grip on Lonky's wrist moved lower, interlacing their fingers together. The taller put his hand on his shoulder, pulling him closer. The kiss was gentle and innocent, fitting for a first kiss. When they finally pulled away, they were both flustered with relieved smiles on their faces.

"Oh, I should've asked you first," the taller sheepishly smiled. "Sorry, I just couldn't help it. I've been waiting forever for this moment." The prince murmured, grabbing Kuga's other hand so that now both of their hands were intertwined.

"It's alright. I can't believe that you actually have feelings for me." Kuga replied, pulling him in for another kiss.


Author's Note

This was supposed to be a fic where they only realised their feelings for eachother but I just ended up throwing a confession there too.

Sorry this took a while! This was a doozy to write,,

- Changed the title because I just realised how cringe and cheesy it was. Actually the whole oneshot is cheesy. So I'm sorry y'all had to experience this lmaoo

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