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Lonky sat on his massaging chair while Popo was on his bed, posting a new selfie on some random social media app.

"Ugh, I absolutely hate him, Popo." the taller of the two complained. "When I had to sit next to him in the express, I thought I was going to die! My neck hurts from how hard he grabbed me." he continued.

Popo shook his head in disagreement "I dunno man, lately all you talk about is Kuga. I get that you hate his guts or something, but don't you think you're acting a little sus?"

"Uh, what? What are you talking about?"

"You keep telling me how much you hate him, you keep staring at him and using every chance to talk to him by annoying him. I'm starting to think you like him." the penguin explained.

"Me, liking him of all people? That's ridiculous! How could you accuse me of such a thing?! My standards are high, I am a prince after all." He snorted.

After hearing his friend's outlandish statement, he began to reflect. Sure, if he wasn't in a bad mood, Kuga could be quite a pleasant person. His eyes were a beautiful shade of cobalt blue which reminded Lonky of the flowers back at his tribe, he was quite buff with stripes circling his bulky build, everytime he glared at him, he could feel his spine shiver from anxiety and excitement, not to mention how it felt like his stomach did flips everytime he did his signature cocky grin-

"Oh no. I'm in love with Kuga." he blurted out, horrified of his discovery. His face becoming as red as his sewn-on sash.

"Told ya so." his friend replied with an annoying grin on his face.

Lonky would rather die than have Kuga find out he had a crush on him. Besides, he didn't know if he even liked boys, and that would only rub salt on the wound. If Popo could tell he was swooning for his rival, he wondered if his secret affection was as noticible as a stop sign and Kuga was just dense.

It was time for all of them to gather for dinner. The sun had set and everyone sat down on their respective seats, now waiting for Charming Gold's bots to deliver their food.

The dining table was rather large, six participants sitting across eachother with Liu sitting at the end of the table. Lonky sat beside Popo with Kuga sitting right across him. It was quite lively, the members were chatting with eachother. Well, every member except Kuga, he was known to be the silent type afterall. No one dared to talk to him unless necessary.

The bots finally came and put their dishes down. Kuga had his regular dish of meat. While eating, he decided to listen to the conversation happening infront of him.

"Urgh, why does this table have to be so high?" Popo commented, his small hands barely grasping the utensils.

"I think you're just short." the taller teased while helping him grab his fork. The secretly observing tiger thought it was ironic that the tallest and shortest contestants were friends.

"Hey! Who are you calling short? You're just freakishly tall!" the penguin angrily retorted. The other could only laugh and smile in reply.

His laughter made the bystander feel giddy and sort of... happy. Kuga was now very, very confused. He didn't know why he was feeling this way. He absolutely hated it.

It's been happening for a week now. Everytime he would look at those wide cinnamon eyes he could feel his heart skip a beat. Everytime the giraffe would flash an overconfident smile he wanted to slap him because of how cute he was. How could his worst enemy make him feel such things? It suprised him how annoying yet endearing he was. There was a point where his cheeks would get so warm that he thought he was getting a fever, but the fact that he couldn't take his eyes off of the lanky prince told him that it was something much, much worse. He just didn't know what it was called.

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