Chapter VIII: Stranded in Shangri-La

Start from the beginning

Harry's eyes dilated as he whimpered, "Then do so more quickly; I am all for the sentimentality of this moment, Tom. However, I need you. Now."

Magic thrummed and vibrated between them as an echo of power ran over the stretch of the beach they stood upon. Harry hissed then with discontent as Tom grit his teeth too; apparently, their magic didn't want to let them wait longer.

He supposed that their magic had been waiting for a long time for this; fifty years or slightly longer, but even still; Tom wanted to savor this moment. To remember it and to be able to recall it with the fondness that was meant to be from it.

Pale sapphire blue eyes flecked with crimson stared to the adored emerald-green eyes that now looked more blackened than green; Harry's lust was being driven by his own wants and by his magic. Tom really didn't want this first bonding to happen right upon the beach; there would be plenty of time after it to explore that area, but it seemed there was going to be little choice as magic clashed and collided between the two.

Both felt the resulting pain for ignoring it.

Suddenly, as if answering his silent plea; a large and soft blanket appeared and with cushions. Harry whined again as Tom shook his head and smiled wanly; apparently their magic was now reading their thoughts, or Harry just knew him too well.

Tom gently maneuvered them to the blanket and eased Harry down to it. He used magic to divest them of their clothes; both shuddering in desire to the warm breeze that both caused pleasure and chills.

Tom marveled slightly as he let his hands to roam over the new body of his mate. Every new muscle and touch sent Harry into moans and arcs that lit fire inside him; he sometimes couldn't believe that Harry had chosen to accept this.

Tom suddenly shook his head to himself and lowered his lips to Harry; who immediately latched on and tried to take over. Tom growled low to that as his hand reached down and gripped his erection. Harry stilled suddenly and whined loudly to that. He keened for more as Tom slowly rubbed the hardened length up and down.

He began to move his mouth to Harry's neck as his teeth grazed his shoulder whilst he suckled the skin. As he continually stimulated him, and Harry began to whine louder with moans echoing the distance. This foreplay continued for some time as Tom re-learned his mate's body; as Harry's magic began to really rise and to crackle with the mixing of his own.

"How would you like to do this?" He murmured to Harry, "I want you as comfortable for this as you can be?"

Harry panted as he struggled to remain coherent; this was starting to get to him, and he didn't feel like he could contain himself for much longer. He barely even acknowledged the words spoken, but Harry moaned as he became frustrated at his lack of ability to verbalize.

So, he decided actions spoke best when words failed you.

He moved quickly and had Tom lying down flat on his back. Blue eyes that had turned fully red now stared to him with such desire; Tom began growling and hissing as Harry's hands wandered his new body, and he was mesmerized. Between the beauty that was his mate and his new form, they made quite a picture together.

From their eyes; blue irises turned scarlet, and emerald-green irises turned void blackened...both sets dilated and distended with lust just for the other as they saw the inner mana swirl inside as they gazed upon their partner.

To the magic they exuded and allowed to heighten around them. Increasing their sensory abilities to everything nearby and being able to simply feel everything and anything between them. How Tom noticed his own magic merged to it and how Harry just let it.

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