He hadn't seen his parents since the day he was presumed dead.

Did they know he was alive? Did they care?

Were they still terrible people?

Most definitely, he thought. No way had they changed. Yes, social reform was in effect, but they were still wealthy and privileged like they'd always been. They were still in high standing. Social reform does not equal personality change in people like them.

They were probably still living posh lives in that giant mansion, priding themselves on Stelly's success at becoming royalty. Still looking down on people they view as less-than. Feeling no remorse about Grey Terminal even to this day.

It would be one thing to simply be in the same town as them. That he could deal with. But of course, things involving them could never be easy.

Dragon had called some time before their arrival and informed Sabo that Outlook III and Didit were involved in this case. They also were looking for the suspect, for whatever reason. Probably to protect their current standing. What's worse, information had been leaked that Sabo - their Sabo - was not only alive, but was going to be arriving at the Kingdom's port to assist in the mission. They would be there waiting.

Dammit, Stelly! It was you who told them, wasn't it? I wouldn't be surprised if you're the one we're looking for. The parents are probably just involved in the case to protect you and cover up whatever you're doing.

Stelly was the king in name only. He was a coward and a knucklehead who didn't know the first thing about running a country. But like everything else there, it was all about appearances.

"It'll be okay," Ami assured Sabo again as they drew near. "I'll be there with you in this. We all will."

She hated these people before ever meeting them. How could anyone treat their own son the way they did? She promised to be there with Sabo. She did not, however, promise to be nice or polite.

Sabo wasn't a bitter person by nature. It's not like he hated his parents or anything; he just didn't want to see them or have anything to do with them. But if nothing else, at least this would be the first time he'd be in his hometown, around his family, with someone who genuinely loves him. He tried focusing on that in order to keep his sanity.


The ship approached the dock at High Town.

As expected, Outlook and Didit were standing there waiting, arms crossed.

The crew got off and secured the ship. The plan was for the others to get a head start on the search on their own. There was no knowing how much time this reunion would take.

Sabo took a deep breath before descending down the steps, with Ami by his side. A mix of emotions stirred in him at the sight of his parents and he couldn't explain it. All he knew was that not returning as a child was the best decision he could've made.

It was unbelievable: his parents had the exact same look of disappointment on their faces as they did back then. The only difference was that they had aged significantly.

"Well, well. If it isn't our stupid son," Outlook said.

"Nice to see you too, 'Dad,'" he replied sarcastically.

The old man gave a look of disgust to Ami, who was wearing a gothic dress and tall heeled boots.

"It seems you at least listened to one thing we told you. But honestly, out of all the princesses in the world, Ami Kurta? This psychotic trash?!"

An Unfortunate ReunionWhere stories live. Discover now