Scared & Afraid

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Sakura was standing at the counter waiting for customers to come into the cafè with a smile on her face, the sound of a bell echoed through the restaurant. She heard the sound of footsteps coming towards her, a man pinned her against the wall behind the counter forcing her to look into his pink eyes. She grunted trying to escape the customer's grasp.

"Kiss me." He demanded. 

"N-No!" She shrieked.

"I am already dating someone..." the chocolate-mohawk haired man slapped Sakura on the cheek for not kissing him. Her gaze fell to the ground, "Sakura... get out if you're going to treat our staff like that!" Rika snarled. He glared at the chocolate haired girl before walking out of the cafè. She immediately got onto the phone with Syaoran once the strange man left.

"Hi Li, Sakura is hurt really bad, come quick!" They hanged up at the same time.

"I am cover your shift." 

"Thank you Akahana." 

The bell rang when a familiar chestnut haired boy entered the restaurant standing right there was her boyfriend, Syaoran. Rika explained everything that happened to Sakura after hearing the incident he took her to his apartment. Tears fell down the young women's face, Syaoran flung his arms around her to comfort her, kissing her on the temple. He adjusted her hand to his chest.

"It was so scary Syaoran." She froze, her thoughts went wild. She had just realized that who she ran into was Haruto Agawa, a boy who went to Elementary school with.

"Sakura, did you hear what I said?" She shot up in shock, shaking her head. "I'm glad that you're somewhat okay." Sakura could feel his hot breath on her cheek, she didn't realize they were that close. Syaoran let go of his girlfriend to cook since he had to cook supper for them,
the phone starting ringing Syaoran picked up his phone, it was Meiling. 

"Hello Syarie,"

"Please stop calling me that." he grumbled.

"What's going on over there?" The seventeen year old flinched and started to go red.
"I having... Sakura over, some random man who walked into the cafè slapped her on the cheek." He said all through gritted teeth.

"Oh... is she okay?"

"She seems fine..." he glanced at her, she was staring at an object in his living room her work outfit trailing behind her.

"That's good at least..."

"I heard that you and Tomoyo are dating, sorry to hear about you and Chun breaking up."

"Ahh... it's fine." She turned the phone over to Tomoyo who just waved once she seen who her black haired girlfriend was talking to her cousin.

"Are you going to beat him up for Sakura?"

"No," Syaoran sighed. "I wish I could..."
"He knows he'll get in trouble by mommy."  Meiling finished for him. Syaoran holded a fist by his phone, the two girls laughed.
"You should give Sakura-youhao a kiss better."
"I already did."
"Aww." They said in unison.
"What are you having for supper with Sakura over?"

"Dumblings." He says simply.

"Well, we should let you go so you can cook the Dumblings. Bye Syarie-pie."

"Bye." Meiling hung up.

Syaoran walked back to the pan filled with dumblings when she sensed something weird.  

"Sakura, supper's ready!"


"Are you sure it's okay if I can stay for supper?" Syaoran nods, pulling a chair out for Sakura her work outfit was like a dress as she sat down. He pushed the chair in for her once she was seated.

"Oh, these dumplings look delicious Syaoran." The eighteen year old young man's gaze fell to the floor and then they wandered back to her. Syaoran picked his dumpling up with his chopsticks and put it simply into his mouth, Sakura gazed at her boyfriend, smiling. Syaoran returned her smile.

"You can stay if you'd like." 

"Okay!" she smiled.

"It would be safer than returning to your own apartment." 

"Mmm." Sakura agreed who tried to toss a dumpling into her mouth, but... instead of her mouth it landed on top of her head. Syaoran giggled at the clumsy girl he loved, Sakura smiled and removed the dumpling from her head. The pair fell silent not knowing what to say. Syaoran picked up his dumpling and pulled it to his mouth taking a small bite, Sakura did the same.

"You look beautiful Sakura..." Syaoran murmured. His girlfriend looked away, her face was the colour of a... red apple. "You... look nice too... Syaoran." Sakura complimented. The two looked away in embarrassment from the compliments they had just received.

"I'm happy that you're alright Sakura. It really scared when Rika... called me... today." He exclaimed. 

Sakura set her bowl at the sink.

"How was your day at work go?" Sakura asked as if they were already married. 

"It went alright... I guess." Syaoran responded as he put a dumpling into his mouth.

"It would have been better if you were there." She flushed at his words, she nodded slowly it turned to a bobble-head.

Syaoran cupped Sakura's cheeks, he brought her face to his and.... kissed her on the lips. Sakura knew she couldn't fight back... so she kissed back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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