Klee & Amber

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It was an ordinary day, in the west side of Genshin town. But suddenly two familiar, eye-catching teen girls came up, Klee and Amber. " What a lovely day!" muttered Klee, calmly. "I agree." said Amber. They marched across the stalls of all sorts of different bits & bobs. "There's SO much stuff here, it'll take us AGES to reach to a stall that we actually like." sighed Amber, "I know right, let's just keep walking and stop muttering." 5 minutes later, Klee and Amber finally found their destination "The weapon stall." They they asked: "Hi! Is there any "specific" weapons like swords that are here?" said Klee whilst looking around left and right. "Hmm, yes. There actually are bare in mind, I've got a lot that you might like! Come over here!" lured the man. "Oh great! What are the prices upon these most fantasy-like swords?!" shouted Klee. " *points to them*, Well that one is about 79£, this one's 50£, a little bit less power is in that one though. This one is 150£ comes with extra nice wipes. Kills 99.9% of bacteria, this on is 200£, and the most expensive one yet is 290£!" "What?! Those are almost more than my allowance, especially the 290£ one. Whaat!!" screeched Klee shockingly. "I know right!!" Sighed Amber. "Guess it's for next time, that's for showing us them all though!" sighed Amber. "No worries, next time for now." *they all wave goodbye* Klee and Amber weren't very happy, they wanted to at least purchase two for themselves. They only had old, musty and beaten ones! What are they gonna do?! "I guess we'll have to stick with our original one, Klee." sighed Amber, sounding overwhelmed and stressed. "Yeah, true. Let's go home." 15 minutes later they got home and just chilled for the rest of the evening, they also went and made dinner since, they were a bit overwhelmed and stressed. A few minutes after that Klee speedily ran into her room and FaceTimed her friend. "Guess what! I saw the weapon stall today!" said Klee. "Wait, really OMG! I've never got the chance to get to go there not even to have a look! I've always wanted a new weapon. But I've just busy with school, chores and all sorts of normal life stuff, *rolls her eyes* it's boring." "Don't get your hopes up yet. They weren't as good they each were 79£,50£,150 and the most expensive one: 290 quid, for a sword!!" shouted Klee. "Oh, well I wouldn't be able to afford them if  I went today anyway I would be able to even afford the most cheapest one. My parents haven't even paid me yet." muttered her friend. "Well you're going to have to wait a few days, THEN." Sighed Klee anxiously. "Anyway I've got to go know. Amber is calling me, catch you in a bit." "Ok, see you soon Klee." *Klee hangs up* "KLEE! C'MERE!" screamed Amber "OKAY, JEEZ IM COMING AMBER!!" Shouted Klee ferociously. *she opens the door roughly* "What." "Look what I've just saw online!" shouted Amber ecstatically. "Woah!! A 60 quid sword that has a lot of damage and IS ALSO got double X the power the 290£ one has!!!" screamed Klee loudly. "I KNOW!!" screeched Amber , "C'MON GET IT THEN CHOP CHOP!" Amber though hard. 60£ to waste for a sword that has that much power, she could also use it for new clothes, makeup, scrunchies and most importantly. FOOD! After 2-3 minutes of thinking she said "Fine, I'll get it, it's worth it I guess." Sighed Amber "Yay!!" screamed Klee. "Klee get in bed now, we have a long day tomorrow we have to fight Lisa and Baal, they're SUPER strong!! Bare in mind we also have got school." muttered amber. "Okay fine, see you in the morning Amber!" "See you!" They both shouted. Klee ran into her room and slammed her door shut. She got ready, brushed her teeth and put on her night cream then she jumped into bed. *Snoring*... The next day: Klee's alarm went off so obviously it was 6:04am and so she had to get ready for school and had to do her stretchers ready for the fight after school, at the park or let's say: "Fields." Klee ran to bathroom and shut the door, she got ready, got into the shower, brushed her teeth and got her moisturiser on. She finally finished and opened the door; she also had to get her school clothes for today; her blazer, skirt and more! She finally got ready and thumped loudly down the stairs, she noticed that Amber had already gone to school because of her leftover porridge she left put this morning. Klee looked at the time: "6:35?! Klee screamed." "I've got to hurry up before I'm late!!" Klee quickly eats her breakfast that was freshly made from Amber. She finished and raced straight out the door; also almost forgetting to lock it "Phew, I nearly forgot to lock the door." She ran to school along with dealing with sweat dripping down her neck onto her washed up clothes, but  Klee didn't care. 10 minutes later she got to school and ran straight in along with putting her stuff in her locker. She barely got there in time: * she waves at everyone* "Hi Klee!!" Shouted her "colleague" aka most trusted friend. "Hola! Klee!" said another in Spanish. Klee finally got into the classroom pulling the door open: "Klee you're finally here!"muttered Mrs Coal. "Please take a seat where you normally are." said Mrs Coal again. After 3 hours of working Klee finally got eat lunch; she sat next to her friend and hungrily took a huge bite into her sandwich, "Mmm! Delicious!" muttered Klee whilst there was food in her mouth; almost finishing it she went ahead and ate the ready of her lunch. *The whistle blows* "Lunch is now over, please head to your class!" Shouted the lunch supervisor. Once Klee got back to class she went ahead and started her other lessons, from classroom to classroom. 4 hours later she finally finished school, "Yes! Finally school is over for today." Muttered Klee. She waved goodbye to her friends and went over to the fields to start the fight. "Hey Amber, have you the new sword?!" Shouted Klee excitedly. "Yes i do.." muttered Amber, Amber shows off the metallic, crystal clear and shimmering sword! "Woah it looks GORG!" Shouted Klee! *Baal and Lisa show up* "Well like we have here." said Lisa "Haha, let's start already I'm not waiting 1 hour, Lisa." whispered Baal stressfully. 3..2..1 "GO!" Screamed the pair of them "GAH!" Shouted Klee loudly. "OWWWW!" Screamed Lisa along with Baal. "UGGGGHHH!" Screeched Amber. *sword clatters* "I'm S-sorry L-lisa w-we lost... ehhg." Baal passes out. "BAAL!!!!!!!" They all screamed neverackingly. "Ok you guys, win I have to go take Baal home!" shouted Lisa while running with Baal on her back. "Ok see you soon Lisa, good round! Good look to Baal, tell her we said good job!!" Screamed the pair. "Okay I will catch you later cya!" Said Lisa, "Cya!!" Said the girls too. "Great teamwork, Klee we made it. HOORAY!!" shouted Amber. "YAYY I knew we would make a good team, always Klee & Amber!!

The end.

(P.s I hope you guys enjoy this story, much love: Isabella!)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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