Chapter 2

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*+" Alright Pidge with me, I'll contact you if we have trouble," Shiro said starting to walk away with Pidge, I took a deep breath and headed toward the prisoner area."+*

Hunks Pov.

    I finally made it to the prison area I looked around the corner to see if there were any guards which thankfully there weren't so I went up to the prison door and busted it down once I busted it down I looked at all the prisoners they all looked so afraid 

"Don't worry I'm here to help you out of here I'm a paladin of Voltron" They all seemed to have hope in their eyes when I talked about Voltron I gave them a map of the ship that pidge upload to me when I was on my way here I told them to head to the escape pods 

They all nodded and went on their way until I stopped one of them, "Excuse me do you know how many more prisoners are on the ship?" I asked, "There's one more person on this ship they are on the last cell on the left side of the hall," They told me I nodded

 I went straight to the last prison cell, I looked inside to see a small figure around the size of Pidge curled up in a corner, I heard footsteps coming down the hall so I quickly hid then I heard the clang of the door open 

"Come on get up!" I heard one of the guards yell, then I heard the person scream in pain and the sound of a shock blaster (?) that the guards carry, "I said get up!" I heard them walking my way so I hid once again

I had my blaster ready once I heard them get closer I popped out the corner and started shooting at the guards I got one but the other started shooting at me but then the guard was hit in the back I look up and see Pidge and Shiro  

"Are you alright Hunk?" Pidge asked coming up to me, "Yea I'm alright" I said giving Pidge a thumbs up

Y/n's Pov.

I was getting dragged out of my cell by guards like usual but what I didn't expect was for a laser to be shot at them I felt the energy from the past go past me and hit the guard on my left I got spooked and hid behind one of the corners I saw the person, they were in a white and yellow suit with a pretty big blaster in their hands 

Two people zoomed past me in the same suits as the yellow one but one was black and one was green I saw that the one of blacks arm started to turn purple and hit the guard in the back slashing it in half

 I saw that the small green one was starting to talk to the big yellow one they talked for a bit until the yellow one looked around and saw me I froze in place I was about to run 

"Hey, no wait we're here to help" The yellow one called to me calmly I poked my head around the corner I looked at him he waved me over nodding his heading as if he's telling me " it's alright " I slowly came out the corner and walked up to them 

Once I was in front of them I looked at all of them, but I couldn't really make out what they looked like with their helmets the black one came up to me, I took a few steps back they stopped, "It's ok we won't hurt you we're the paladins of Voltron we're here to get you out" They said calmly 

I perked up when he said Voltron, "Wait s-so are you w-with King Alfor?" I asked they all looked at me with supposed-to-be shocked expressions, "Wait, you know King Alfor?" I nod my head I was hoping that Allura is still alive after the attack on Altea 

They all looked at each other and then the black paladin turned to me, "We need you to come with us" he said, I nodded and followed them outside the ship(you can breathe in space) we went unseen since there aren't many guards on this ship 

+* A Paladin and The Monarch*+ (Hunk x reader)Where stories live. Discover now