Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Pariah

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Well... It has come to another chapter yet again. I have been INSANELY deep in thought as to how old Konan really is. SO much in thought that it actually held up this chapter. I, out of sheer annoyance with random guesses by myself and random answers on the internet, have decided to make her 26. I don't trust the Naruto fanon and I just think that age guess they made is too old (For a relationship). Honestly, I didn't want her more than a decade older than him. It would have made me feel weird writing it. Even 26 makes me feel awkward, but I must do it. I WANT this pairing. That's why I started this story to begin with. Anyway, please enjoy. : 3

Thoughts: 'Thoughts'

Speaking: "Speaking"

Chapter 4: Pariah

"It looks like you're okay Naruto," Yamato replied to the blonde Jinchuuriki, "As a matter of fact; it doesn't change anything at all. It's safe."

Naruto lowered his mesh and orange clad jacket feeling a little happy that it was real. He actually owned a true Rinnegan and he never knew it, "Hey, Captain Yamato?"

"Yes, Naruto?" The wood user asked amused.

"Do you know anything else about the Rinnegan?" He questioned to the Jounin. Yamato put his index finger to his chin as if deep in thought, then let out a sigh.

"I don't really know much else about it. We've never actually had one to study so we don't really know anything. Sorry."

"Oh," Naruto sighed as he hopped to his feet from the medical table, then a thought struck him, "Wait a sec. I think I know someone who knows a thing or two about it. Thanks Kakashi-sensei and Captain Yamato, but I have to run!" He replied with a wave of his hand and dashed for the door.

'Naruto,' Kakashi resounded in his mind, 'He just keeps getting stronger. Just like you wanted, eh, Sensei?' His thoughts reminisced on the Yondaime as he watched Naruto's final moments in the room.


Naruto jogged through the streets at a steady pace. It was a sunny day and people were still building away at the village. Since there was nothing left but the Hokage monument, they literally had to build a city from nothing. It didn't seem as much of a trouble to the villagers for at least they were doing something to occupy their time. Naruto still received smiles from others as he passed by them. There would even be one or two girls around the same age as him that he would pass who, when he faced them, would turn their heads away and giggle. Since he never really saw what it felt like to be liked by another girl, It sort of creeped him out because he thought maybe they were planning something or making fun of him. Ignoring whoever and whatever, he continued. He was trying to reach the Hokage building because he wanted to see if Konan made it out fine.

He wrapped around a newly built building and passed a few more people until he started hearing angry shouting and cursing. A few people seemed to be enraged about something as he gained ever nearer to the noise. It wasn't until he turned a corner that he saw a crowd of people arranged into an uneven circle. There seemed to be a fight that broke out and people were encouraging it by keeping it contained in the irregular shape. After listening on the fight for another second or two he could make out a few phrases the people were saying. "KILL THE BITCH!" "WHY IS SHE HERE?" "SHE STOLE A LEAF NINJA'S CLOTHES! PROBABLY TRYING TO SNEAK IN!" "GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM DEMON!" Naruto got a little worried for this person. Did they really hate whoever this much? She couldn't have done something too bad. After those thoughts ran through his mind a small break formed in the mass of confusion that enveloped this character in just enough time so he could see who they were fighting. It wasn't a fight. No, it was far from it. This was attempted manslaughter. There were several people on this one person and there were even others trying to get their hits on the poor figure. Who were they thrashing on? It was someone who Naruto promised to protect. The person they were beating down was none other than the blue haired ninja that he saved a few days ago.

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