The Plan

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Chloe walked in finding nothing in the bunker as she turned her back from the table in the library an angel blade launched into her chest and when she looked up she saw none other than her best friend with an expression filled with anything other than guilt and remorse.

"Dean?" Spoke the blue eyed girl before darkness swallowed her whole.

"Chloe?" Dean spoke looking at the dead body before him with fear and worry quickly seeping into his eyes when one of the angels he sent back to heaven came back.

"Chloe?" He asked out loud before making his way to Chloe's limp body making him go into a protective stance with the angel but his eyes glowed gold and he flew across the room.

The man crouched down checking Chloe to check if she actually died and it was confirmed when he saw the angel blade plunged into her chest.

"How long has she been like this?" Asked the man.

"Not long" answered Dean, "Who are you?" Asked the hunter.

"I'm Jack, a friend of your father and uncle" answered Jack with a smile extending a hand but Dean did not make any move looking at Chloe's dead corpse.

"She'll be fine" Jack said walking to Chloe picking her up and placing her on the nearest seat.

"What do you mean she'll be fine. I killed stabbed her in her heart with an angel blade which is made of silver of you haven't noticed which surprise, surprise kills a vampire" Dean ranted, his voice raising up a few octaves.

"She's a quadbrid she'll be fine" Jack said calmly and Dean scoffed loudly throwing his arms up, "We came here looking for you"

"What for?" Asked the hunter.

"We need a hunter to accompany us to purgatory and you are our best bet" said the nephilim.

"What do you want in purgatory?" Asked Dean with an expression filled with confusion.

Before he could answer the hunter's question Chloe woke up from her death nap and rolled her neck and shoulders before looking at Jack then making eye contact with Dean.

"So the first thing you do when you see me in three years is stick an angel blade through my heart..... Touching" said Chloe with her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"In my defense I didn't know it was you until after I stabbed you" said Dean with his hands up

Chloe walked toward her room to get changed from the bloodstained clothes into something less covered in blood.

"Where are you going?" Asked Jack.

"Your not getting a weapon to kill me are you?" Asked Dean nervously making Chloe chuckle.

"I'm just going to make myself look more presentable" she shrugged before walking off to her room.

Chloe was in quite the predicament regarding her outfit
and settled with a lavender suit and a white undershirt paired with white heels tying her hair up into a high ponytail.

"Who says a lavender suit wouldn't look fashionable" she said while looking into the mirror in front of her with a smile.

Walking into the room where Jack was explaining the problem.

"If Klaus is in purgatory and you need the blood of the chosen one AKA Chloe, why are you trying to save him at all?" Asked Dean.

"Because during the spell Lucifer
Could use her as a vessel or he could break her spirit which will in turn cause a big problem the spell that has to keep him dead-" explained Jack but was cut off by Dean.

"So Why do we need Klaus?" Asked the boy

"He'll be an anchor someone who will keep me sane and emotionally balanced... Whatever that means" Chloe spoke making her presence and the both of them looked at how she made a suit look casual and formal at the same time and they stared a little bit too long making Chloe chuckle bringing them back to reality and quickly looking the other way.

"That still doesn't answer my question... Why Klaus he doesn't even know you exist." Dean spoke reminding her that he knows nothing about their encounter and time spent together over the past few years.

"He knows I exist" Chloe stated awkwardly.

"Wait what? How?" Asked the Hunter.

"I lost my memories and kind of became his sidekick of sorts" Chloe said nervously and waited for Dean's reaction. Dean looked at her then looked to the floor to process her words.

"So he knew you?" He asked and she nodded, "And you didn't have your memories so you didn't know he was your Dad?" He continued making Chloe nod again.

"And in order for us to get Klaus from purgatory safely is to bring a Hun-" Jack spoke but was cut off by Chloe.

"Wait you think we won't make it to and from purgatory safely with Klaus without Dean.... I take that as an insult, And where did Castiel disappear to?"
Ranted the blonde haired girl.

"Yes we need Dean and Castiel is gone Dean sent us back to heaven but I came back quicker than he intended." Said Jack trying to shut Chloe down

"So we basically need Dean to babysit us" she said with an incredulous look on her face.

"You do know I'm still here right?" asked Dean sarcastically.

"Okay whatever he can come I really don't care I just want to see my Dad so can we get in with it" she said giving up knowing that that argument will most definitely waste precious time something they didn't have.

"Thank you?" Dean said confused looking at Chloe.

"So to open purgatory we need to do a spell which is going to be done and managed by one of my witches" Jack explained and continued once everyone nodded in understanding, "Then we'll find Klaus in purgatory which is full of all kinds of strong supernatural creatures, the most famous ones being leviathans who have problems with the Winchester's since they were the ones who put them back there"

"In simple words we get in, get Klaus and get out before the spell wears off" Dean spoke making Jack look surprised and confused, "What I've been there before I am a Hunter after all"

Word count 1037

To whom it may concern
I am sorry for not updating there has been a lot of birthday parties this month including my Dad's yesterday....Yes my Dad's birthday is on Halloween.

So I just wanted to get an update in because it was Halloween yesterday so HAPPY HALLOWEEN BESTIES!!!
Hope y'all enjoyed your day

I am once again sorry for not updating and I've noticed that alot of you are adding my story to reading lists and I just wanted to thank you.

Please vote and comment if you like this and thank you for 8.55k reads I still can't believe that this story got that much.
Bye lovelies

Yours sincerely


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