Daddy issues

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Chloe ran into the woods she was angry at what she had become, she became everything the father that raised her believed she would never become she felt like she failed.

Chloe was sat against a tree when she heard the flapping of wings and standing before her was jack, he stood across from her with a worried expression.

"You know my dad is also absolute evil and I thought I was just as evil once but I had three other father's in my life." Jack said with a far away look

"Who?" Chloe asked simply.

"Castiel, Sam and Dean" answered Jack

"Dean?" She asked with a confused expression.

"Dean was named after his uncle that passed years before he was born, his father's brother" Jack explained.

"I killed people" Chloe saidin a shaky whisper.

"I've killed people as well" jack tied comforting.

"I liked it" said Chloe with a tear falling down her cheek.

"It doesn't matter, what matters is that you regret doing it now, you can make up for all of those people you killed by saving the world from the apocalypse." Jack spoke and Chloe nodded after looking at the sky for a minute and nodding.

Chloe walked back and saw everyone sitting in the assembly hall, everyone but Hope and she then realized that the words she said to her sister was hostile and wrong so she went to look for her.

She found her twin in her room holding a picture of her and her father when she was a child and tears in her eyes. Chloe then knocked on her door making Hope turn to her.

"Can I talk to you?" Chloe said politely and Hope hesitantly nodded.

"How are you my sister?" Hope asked after Chloe sat down.

"I'm actually your twin sister" Chloe said with a chuckle.

"Wait really?" Hope said shocked and Chloe nodded.

"The oldest one at that" Chloe said and Hope chuckled.

"How?" Asked Hope.

"Well I was stolen by a witch" Chloe said calmly.

"If you were stolen my-our dad would've searched for you and I would know your my twin." Hope said and Chloe let out a breathy chuckle.

"Well if he knew I existed yes maybe all that would've happened." Chloe said with a smile and Hope's expression was filled with confusion, "The witch stole me using the same spell used to transfer the twins into the headmistress but the witch felt guilty and messed up the spell resulting in only one of the twins being stolen leaving no trace behind" Chloe explained and Hope gave an understanding nod.

"So you were with my dad when he left me" spoke the brunette and the blonde nodded and told her about what happened answering all of her questions.

"There was this one time whe-" Chloe spoke but was cut off by a sudden blackout.

Endless woods and darkness 'how did I get here?' Chloe thought and saw two people fighting when she turned around.

Klaus was fighting something that didn't look human it looked like some monster a child drew in kindergarten. Klaus landed a punch in it's face making it stumble back before taking hold of it's heart and pulling it out and biting it when the body went limp on the floor.

Chloe woke up and looked around Lizzie was to her right with Josie behind her, Hope to her left with Mr Saltzman and the one and a half angel standing at the foot of the bed she was laying on.

"What happened?" Chloe asked rubbing her head.

"You passed out while you were talking to me." Hope explained, "Are you okay?" She asked

"I saw him" said Chloe.

"Saw who?" Asked Castiel.

"Klaus" Chloe said above a whisper.

"Where?" Hope asked.

"I don't know but I have to find him the last time I got visions of a parent I saw my mom burn and I couldn't do anything about it." Chloe said standing up and Jack walked to her extending his hands.

"Give me your hand maybe I can find out where he is" he said and Chloe held his hands.

Jack closed his eyes focusing on the vision and opened his eyes
and it turned into a bright gold light and went back to it's usual blue color and he looked at Castiel with an expression filled with worry, he looked as if he knew where he was.

"Where is he?" Chloe asked.

"Purgatory" answered and the worry that showed on Jack's face was mirrored on Castiel's face.

"So my father is stuck in a supernatural dimension created by god to contain his first and most dangerous beasts and you have no idea how he got there?" Chloe asked confused.

"Yes that's exactly what I just said" jack stated

"Okay so how are we going to get there because maybe I don't know, we are not gods most dangerous monsters" said Chloe sarcastically.

"You and I are going to make a portal" jack explained.

"And how do you suppose we do that I still have no idea on how to use my angel powers if you haven't noticed." Chloe said with sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"Don't worry about that we first have to get the help of a hunter because we will come across alot of leviathans" Castiel stated.

"What are leviathans?" Mr Saltzman asked.

"They are dangerous monsters that a extremely hard to kill" jack explained, "and we need the Winchester's" he stated monotonously.

"Wait the Winchester's?" Asked Chloe.

"Yes the Winchester's they are the most dangerous Hunter's who's killed the most ghosts, vampires, witches and anything along those lines" jack explained.

"If they kill all of those then why are we calling them to a school full of most of them?" Asked Mr Saltzman sarcastically.

"They don't operate with black and white they have a code, they only kill those who spill human blood." Jack defended.

"And we have to contact the last remaining Winchester" Castiel informed.

"Do you mean Dean Winchester?" Asked Chloe

"Yes we have to find Dean Winchester" stated Jack with a look of determination.

                          Word count 1022

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