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Anna's POV

Don't forget to let me know your thoughts, I hope you enjoy reading xoxo.

"Max can I borrow you for a second?." I put on a fake smile before pulling him away and into one of the empty rooms in the moterhome.
"What in the fuck are you doing?!." I hissed at him, giving me simple shrug while shoving his hands in his pockets.
"Maybe you want to go home with him, you like him dont you?." He acted like he didn't care even though I could tell that wasnt the case. He was testing me. He was testing how I would react. Hoping to satisfy his pride and quiet his mind.
"Listen to me very clearly, cause I'll tell you this once and only once." I warned him, feeling myself overflowed with anger.
How many fucking times have we been through this?, how many times has he done this shit for no reason. Causing drama just aa things are going well.
"You're acting like a fucking child, you've been going back and forth the entire time and just as things are going well you manage to turn nothing into a huge deal and leave both of us sad, it's no wonder Christian wants to keep us apart. We become the worst versions of ourselves when we're with each other so you either clean up your act and spent the holidays with me or this is over cause I am so incredibly done with this!."
The words streamed out of my mouth like a waterfall. The words that have been pending inside of me for so long.
I looked at him, wanting to see any reaction but he didn't seem to have any, simply keeping a straight face before walking away.
Did this do nothing to him?, why do my words leave him so unaffected?.. How did he confess his love for me only a day ago and now he reacts like I'm nothing to him?.
In that moment I realised I needed something I havent done in a long time.
Therapy. As silly as it sounds it is true.
Therapy helped me work through a lot of things when I was younger but as i had grown older I stopped going but I started realising how emotionally unstable I had become the moment I met Max.

I needed someone to listen to me, someone who wouldn't judge and could me help rationalise everything.
I decided right there and then I would visit a therapist when I'd get back home.

I decided to shake off my thoughts for now, knowing I had to focus on more important matters like flying back home.
I left both Samir and Charles without a word and the worst is that I didn't even feel bad about it. I was too caught up on my world. The world i had created with Max which just seemed to hurt us and the people around us. I know that they mean well. O know that they try to cheer me up but in the moment I don't recognise it.

People their hunger for attention didn't stam from affection from my side. Instead i felt like it was another burden laid down by people while I already had enough on my mind.
I grabbed my bags and left for the airport short after.

As I had arrived at the gate I felt myself growing anxious. The realisation that Max might not show up flooding in my mind.
In all honesty I believe Max and I were meant to be. I still do. I mean what are the odds that i would mean him?. Let alone build a bond and haver him falling in love with me. I know that thousands of girls must be jealous of the position that I was in but I was starting to realise it all sounded a lot more fun than it really is. A jealous boyfriend sounds hot right?, but what if that comes with the cost of him blaming you for it. Finding nothing to pick on so he turns to you. The one he's supposed to love. I accidentally let out a sarcastic chuckle. How in the world am I the girl that everyone wants to be yet I'm trying my hardest too leave it all behind, the responsibility, the choices, everything.
"What are you chuckling about?." I heard a low voice ask while I saw a figure sitting down besides me. Charles.
"Hey, I didn't know you would be here." I reacted somewhat shocked, a sting of disappointing hitting me realising it wasn't Max.
"Why do you sound so disappointed?" He asked quickly, his feet turning towards me in an attempt to get closer to me.
"I'm not, I just expected you to get back to Monaco."
"Well that was the plan but when I found out you were going back home I couldn't let you go by yourself." He joked, playfully nudging my shoulder which made me smile just a tiny bit.

"See, I would like to see that smile a bit more." He commented, his thumb gently rubbing over my cheek as I started down at the ground in guilt. I was with Max. I should remember that. I might not be able to tell Charles about it but I sure as hell couldn't start flirting with him, no matter if Max is being an ass or not. After all i don't want him to be right about me.
"Anna." Charles spoke up, stirring me awake after mindlessly watching my phone, praying Max would just text me and tell me he was sorry and that he would come with me but nothing. Radio silence.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?." I tried to recompose myself, wanting to show Max he wasn't the centre of the universe for me even though he wasn't there.
"The plane is boarding, come on." He stood up, reaching for my hand as I accepted it. His hand feeling so odd compared t0 Max. Nonetheless I couldn't decline. He would know something was up straight away.
I found my seat and Charles was smart enough to switch seats with a Ferrari fan, making him able to sit next to me.
As the plane went up I put my AirPods in. A small smile growing on my face.
It was time to get back home.

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