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Nights Changes - One Direction

"George no, did you forget about what he did?." I exclaimed, offended he would even think that.
"I just need a bit of space Anna, first you forget about our date and then the first thing you do after the race is go to him."
"George, please." I begged him but he didn't seem to wanna listen.
"Sorry Anna." He apologised before walking off
So many emotions ran through me. This weekend has been a rollercoaster in every way and all I wanted to do was tell everything to my best friend. I went back to my room and called Samir.
"You got P5." He shouted into the phone which made me laugh but that laugh soon turned into sobs.
"Anna, what's going on?." He asked, sounding concerned.
"George and I...." I wanted to explain but my crying wouldn't allow me.
"Just breath." Samir comforted me, I took some deep breaths and tried again.
"George and I are on a break.", Me saying those words made me break down once more.
"We were all smiles the beginning of the weekend and then Max managed to fuck everything up, George didn't even let me explain." I explained to Samir.
"He is an ass, he should have listened to you Anna, you deserve more." He said to me.
That's why he's my best friend, he always managed to make me feel better.
"I know this is possibly the worst timing but I need to ask, are you still coming to my graduation?." He asked.
I graduated but sadly Samir didn't last year, he managed to graduate this year though. I promised I would come to his graduation. But I completely forget about it after this weekend.

"I'll be there, graduation is Wednesday right?." I asked.
"Yes." He confirmed.
"He'll be there though." Samir followed up.
Which made me sigh, he's even worse than Max.
"As long as he stays far away from me I'm good." I told Samir.
The person Samir was referring to was someone from my past. I prefer to not talk about it,
"Thank you for wanting to come." He said which made me smile.
"You're my best friend Samir, I'll do anything for you." I told him.
"I got to go, talk to you later." I said before hanging up the phone.
I realised I still hadn't posted anything about the race.


The_anna_gram_: P5 baby, so proud of the team, we really gave it our all especially after what happened during practice, ready for Barcelona in two weeks 🤟

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The_anna_gram_: P5 baby, so proud of the team, we really gave it our all especially after what happened during practice, ready for Barcelona in two weeks 🤟

Liked by: liked by maxverstappen1 and 148.052 others
Alphataurif1: ⛽️
Nathali_walv: good job today, glad to see you so happy. We're very proud of you.
Maxverstappen1: proud of you

He's well on his way to destroying my relationships but there was nothing I could do about it. At least not in public.
I decided to go to bed early that night, hoping that all of this drama would be over the next morning.

I woke up the next day feeling refreshed, ready to go back home.
I missed the comforts of home.
I was waiting at the gate when I saw Max sitting down next to me.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I muttered under my breath.
"Good morning Anna." Max said, cheery as ever.
"Shut the fuck up." I groaned, I wasn't having it today.
"Calm down babe, it's too early to fight." He commented which made me groan even more.
"What are you doing here anyway, don't you have Monaco to go to?." I asked.
"I decided to go visit family and well I know Samir is graduating so I thought I'd swing by" he said with a big smile.
I turned to him, eyes wide which he just seemed to enjoy.
"Why are you going?." asking him, finding it a bit weird to go to Samir's graduation.
"He's not just your friend Anna."
Who the fuck does he think he is?.
I decided to take a few breaths before continuing, knowing that there could be people around who could film this.
"Just leave me alone and I'll leave you alone." I stated which just made him chuckle.
"You know thats not gonna happen."

We survived the flight due to him sitting far away from me. After the flight I immediately went home, fleeting again.
I spend a few days with my parents, catching up after this intense race weekend. My thoughts drifted off to George quite a lot but I knew I couldn't do anything except give him space.
Finally Samir's graduation came around. I walked into my old school and started looking around, thinking back of all the memories I have made here, meeting Samir, meeting him. Applying for the job and eventually switching my life around to get into F1.
The graduation was about to start and I could Samir in the crowd. I looked around to see if I could see his parents but once I did I saw Max standing right next to them. Talking to them like he had known them for years.
My jealousy grew, Samir's my best friend, not his.
I decided to push my thoughts away, focusing on Samir's graduation instead.
The ceremony was quick, we don't really celebrate graduating as much as in the US but t was great nonetheless.
Once he had come off stage I went to him right away.
"I'm so proud of you." I told him which made his face light up.
"Thank you for being here." He thanked me once more.
"Max is here." I commented which made Samir look at me, like I would kill him.
"It's okay Samir, I understand, now go talk to you parents."
He seemed to calm down and continued walking to his parents and max who were waiting for him.
He's come a long way for sure.

"Anna." I heard a voice call me out from behind me.
I turned around and saw him.
"H." I blurted out. My face getting more pale by the second, I'm sure,
"You still call me that?." He asked while letting out a chuckle, me having to quickly adjust to speaking Dutch again.
"We're not doing this." I ordered him, not wanting to talk about us here.
"Anna, I missed you." He said while staring at my eyes.
I waited years for him to tell me this but it's too late now.
"We're done, you called it off." I reminded him which just seemed to make him angry.
"You don't have the right to talk to me like this, I suggest you start being more polite to me." He threatened just like he did all those years ago.
"Are you okay?." Max asked, being by my side all of a sudden, his hand wrapped around my waist which had seemed to catch H's attention.
"I'm fine but I think we should leave." I answered Max while grabbing his hand out of fear for the other man. Max seemed to accept it.
We walked out of the school and back to the parking lot. Where my brother was already ready to pick me up.
"What was that about?."Max asked but I ignored his question.
"We've all got secrets."

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