Would you give us chance ?

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Whole day after that encounter both Louie And neo haven't met at all . It might be because they all are busy on packing all the stuff after all they are going back tomorrow morning.

Pond phuwin's side

Phuwin's standing on pratice ground and is running. He's only running because he was given punishment to run 3 more rounds . He was late that why he got that punishment .

On the other hand , pond sems to have lost his mind for sure for phuwin because he's acting really really wired today. Everytime he seems ready to fight but this time he doesn't even have looked towards him. It's not the he cares or something but still the less akward environment the more comfortable it feels.

He doesn't have any explanation on how he end up whole day without even a single word from Coach for him. Well it's really akward so before it gets more uncomfortable he thought he at least should make effort to talk with his coach .

He asked Louie for number because he knows very well that it's not possible to talk without ending up on argument in real meet .so, he thought it's best to text him.

    Pond phuwin's text

                                    Unknown number
                                           Hi! Handsome
Who's this ?
                                     Unknown number
                                 Someone really  hot 🔥

Is this some kinda prank ?
                             Unknown number     
                                    Whatever you want to think baby ?

What ?
                                   Unknown number
                                   What are you doing right now babe ?

Ew 🤮 stop calling me that and how did you get my number .
                              Unknown number
                         I don't think that matters . The things that matter is I wanted to talk to you so 😀. If there's want then there exist will too.

So what's the reason for texting me

                               Unknown number
                  Well learn to be patient babe . You'll know

I said stop calling that or
                                   Unknown number
                          Or ???

Or I will block you

                             Unknown number
                     If you really wanted to block you would have done it before this all even started it means that you too are interested 😉 isn't it.

NeoLouis side

So they all were on bus and Louie was seating alone and kitty gang pushed Neo to go & give him company. Neo seated on Louis seat beside him but Louie didn't give any reaction .

Neo: uhmmm

Louie:. What are you doing here ?

Neo: well I wanted to t... talk to....you . Yesterday ..... yesterday ... after all those things . But I don't really saw you ...

Louie: You could have stopped me that Time when I was going back .

Neo: I know I'm stupid . I don't really know what to do what's wrong or right I just don't think about things that deeply I just --- it's just that I don't think about concequences . It's like I believe on let's give it a shot Type. But after all that happened I really needed time to figure out what should I do .

I don't really have thought about you at all . I'm really sorry for hurting you but I know sorry isn't a solution and it will not heal your pain . But what a past is past you know we can't go back and erase all things and change it. Future is also unpredictable . What we have is present so I want to apologize you for everything.

If you want then we can start from start again and at least we can build a good friendship . After doing those things I don't think I should accept more . Louie I know I treated you like thrash all those years because I don't know you but after spending this much of time around you I really have known that you deserve someone much more better than me....

Louie: 😢 here you again start giving your own opinion have you asked one time what I wanted. Who gave you right to decide what I deserve what I don't ? Who told you that I want someone better ? It's just you and your thoughts Nemo . You said you have known better about me but no Nemo you are completely wrong you don't know anything .

If you have known about me then you would have seen how much you mean to me. You said I deserve someone better than u but I don't want someone I just wanted you. If I had courage to back up from my feelings I might not have ended here . I let all this things happen to me because I love you . I never wanted you to change you I just wanted you to be you . I wanted to help you out I wanted to protect from all the troubles .

And most of all I want to keep you near me. That's the only reason I acted that whole year so that you wouldn't be ended up being out of university. And yey I never had and I never have and I never will expect anything from you . I know you would never return those feelings back so I love you just for myself. I protected you just for myself . I kept revolving around you though I know I would face with you hate looks and rude comment but still I did because see you safe used to give me some kind of happiness which I can't describe on words.

But , you don't had to make those efforts anyway I was about to confess you too you don't have to share those moments on campfire day evening  . Still thank you I can leave my life charieshing those memories . I really want one favour from you please don't say that word again. I might be an idiot in your eyes but this idiot loves you so much that he can't see pain in your eyes.

I unknowingly hurt you and I tried my best to at least fix it . You knowingly hurt me and I'm okay with that just don't feel guilty please , I can't see pain in your eyes. Just pretend that it never happened and I already have forgave you so you don't need to make any effort to do this things . You can move on like it never happened after all only 6 months have left after that you will never see my face . You'll be your way and I will be on my own . So when you anytime might be to think that there was a trash like a person think about me I don't want you to feel guilty .

I'm okay with whatever it is after all it's my mistake and I'm sorry but feelings can't be controlled you know so I don't know how did I end up falling for the person who hates me to the death . It's my mistake not yours my feelings is mine problems so don't worry I'm okay. 🙃😣

{A long moments of silent }

Neo:Do I deserve last chance ?

Louie: what ?

Neo: would you like to give me , us one last chance ?

Louie: you don't have to....

Neo: I know but I want to I'm greedy I don't want to loose someone like you .

Louie: 😳

Neo: would you give us a chance so that we can start all from start .

Louie : 😳

Neo: 😕 is that yes  ...


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