The Close Encounter

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The town’s people were confused when the king had ordered all legendary books concerning the Everlasting freedom be burnt down and discarded into the river. A rumor had gone round indicating only one of the five men who had gone on the impossible quest to seek empathy had returned alive. But he hadn’t returned with a smooth skin, he had returned with one leg, one eye, blood stained shirt and scratched skin. When he was asked what happened, his disturbing response shook everyone. So the everlasting freedom was real as per legends. No one wished to let any more generation know about it. It was way too dangerous. They had already lost four men.
“I couldn’t save your husband. I am sorry” He had told Belinda with a disheartening tone.
“Drax, I told you not to let him. I told you to convince him not to go” She said with teary voice. Tears rolled down her cheek.
“I am so sorry. I had tried telling him it was dangerous but he hadn’t listen. The woman held him captive. No one knows how to get him back. We have no idea where it’s located now” He explained.
“It’s all my fault. Perhaps if I hadn’t slept that night, he wouldn’t have sneaked out on me. I would have held him tight and pleaded him not to leave. I would have used Helia to convince him”
“Belinda, you are sick. You had to sleep because of your health. Ken did all this for you”
“For me?! For me! I hadn’t asked for all this. I never told him I wanted to be well. The doctor is trying all he can. I just need him by my side, that’s all”
“Belinda, take heart for your daughter, she is asleep. She is hear you”
“Drax you had just one job. Just one simple job. Protect my husband but all you did was watch him get carried by those things”
“Belinda. Calm down, you are sick”
“Get out!” She urged him in anger trying to keep her voice as low as possible.
“Get out! Now!” She increased the tone of her voice. Drax adjusted his heart and made his way out with the help of his walking stick.
Belinda had shut the door behind her and began her silent sobs. How she had wished she knew her husband had that dangerous place in mind. She would have convinced him not to go. How could he have taken such risk for her? The doctor was doing a great job right. What does he want?
“Mum, was dad really taken away?” A small worried voice asked from behind the bedroom door. It was Helia looking through the door of her room. She must have woken up and overheard everything. Belinda wiped her tears and hurried toward her.
“What do you mean dear?” She asked pretending not to understand.
“It sounded like someone took dad away. Who?”, she wanted to know.
“Helia, your dad… your dad was taken away by really bad people” She tried explaining in the simplest term she can. “He was captured for being nice my love. He will break free and come back soon. I hope so. For now, forget about him. Okay love?”
Helia shook her head in disbelief.
“I don’t still understand mother. Where have he been all this while?”
“Helia, all this aren’t important. You won’t understand. Just forget this and move on. How is that?” She asked with a smile.
“Ok mom” She agreed with a nod. Belinda smiled and pulled her close for a hug. Her small fingers wrapped around her back. “He will be back soon. Just keep hoping”
Belinda frowned as she caught sight of the queue of patients who wished to see the modern doctor. Helia sat beside her playing innocently with her hair band. She slipped out a paper the doctor had offered her in case of emergency. She wasn’t ready to stay in queue. Perhaps, she could use it to avoid the queue. Luckily, Mrs Hannah had walked in with her twins making it easier for her to leave Helia under her care.
“I won’t stay long. I promise” She gave her word and hurried ahead of the queue. The servant hadn’t let her in at first but realizing her card, they had no other choice.
“What’s the emergency Mrs Belinda” The doctor asked with a stern stare adjusting his glasses.
“I couldn’t stay on the queue” She confessed sitting in the guest seat.
“Misusing the card huh? I am not giving you another one”
“I know. I know. I don’t think I will be needing another one”
“What do you think you’re saying? You’re very sick Belinda. Tuberculosis isn’t a joke”
“Do I look sick to you doctor? My stooling suddenly stopped the last two days, I am not coughing any more, my fever is gone, my vision is better… I can walk well. I don’t sleep too much. Doctor I don’t know what type of Miracle overwhelmed me. I feel so much better”
The doctor found it hard to believe what she had just said.
“Belinda, you were in the critical state of tuberculosis. There was no cure. We tried to manage it”
“Yes. I know but I am magically arguing with you in your office right now. I don’t feel weak…”
“ Mrs Belinda, we have to confirm first by running tests. This sounds too good to be true”
“Fine Doctor Pius, I will wait for the results”
The doctor was surprised at her confidence. He promised to stop by at her home with the results. Belinda made her way out of the doctor’s office with a big grin. She joined Mrs Hannah who was busy gossiping about the latest satin materials in the market.
“You didn’t stay that long today. What’s wrong?” Hannah asked turning to her.
“I don’t think I am sick anymore. The doctor is yet to confirm it though”
“Serious? That’s great. This is a miracle. I still remember that time you could barely speak. Could it be your husband who did all this?” Mrs Hannah asked widening her eyes.
“How? He was captured”
“It’s possible he exchanged his freedom in return of your health”
“What nonsense”
“There is nothing that man won’t do for you. I have observed that”
Belinda didn’t say anything in response to this. Did he really do this for her? But Drax had said his request wasn’t paid attention to. “Where is Helia?”
“O. She is with Jack and Jackie. They are playing beside the doll shop. I am sure they fine. Let’s check out the latest satin dresses in the store”
“No. I have to go home and wait for the reports. I will go and get Belinda first”
“Alright, you do you. I will go and check the dresses out” Mrs Hannah had told her before waving her bye. Belinda waved back with a smile and made her way towards the doll store. “Now where is that girl?”?

“No! You can’t throw that” Helia warned as Jack picked up a stone ready for a throw at a doctor.
“Why? You’re scared?” The six year old boy asked.
“No I am not. It’s a harmless animal. You shouldn’t harm it” Helia protested.
“Harmless? Who said I was harming it?” Jack asked with surprise.
“O! Helia. You’re boring. Come on Jack, do it” His twin sister supported.
“Jack don’t”
“Don’t be a weakling like Helia. Do it!”
“No! Don’t”
“You girls waste your time.” He mocked and threw the stone anyway. The stone landed on the horse who panicked in fear and began racing toward the three children. Everyone around got concerned and began to scream the horse owner tames his horse but it was so obvious he didn’t know how to do that.

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