"Alright then, thank you," Ling Xiao said as he accepted the things being handed to him.

"Alright, have a pleasant stay," the guard said as he opened the gate for them

"Bye." Ling Qin waved at the guard as the car passed by him and entered the community.

"Great security," Emilia commented once they were far from the gate.

"Mhm, it should be able to reduce the number of people that wander into this area, at least for the next few days." Ling Xiao responded.

After turning for the second time, Ling Xiao finally arrived in front of Emilia's little fotress.

"Is this it?" Ling Xiao asked his wife as he gazed at the wooden fence that was three meters tall.

"Yep, this is it!" Emilia replied as she took out the key and opened the gate.

Ling Xiao immediately drove in, and the gate closed behind him. Once inside, Ling Xiao and Ling Qin were made speechless by the sight in front of them. The fence that looked wooden looked metallic from the inside, and the metal layer looked quite thick.

"This...?" Ling Qin began as he looked at his mom

"What? I thought it would be too conspicuous if the fence was metal, so I told my team to surround the metal fence with a wooden one to cover it up. So, the fence is actually made of two layers. Smart right, " she said as she opened the car door and got out.

"Though it seems I'll probably have to make it a three layer fence. This metal is quite conspicuous, and it really won't deceive anyone who makes it past the gate, " she mumbled as she rubbed her chin in thought

Once out of the car, the boys finally got a clear view of the house. Standing in front of them was a two story villa surrounded by a large garden filled with some plants. But looking closely, it seemed that only a few of the plants were real while the rest seemed to be fake.

'Guess she is guarding against mutant plants,' Ling Xiao thought to himself.

Just by looking at the house, Ling Xiao could spot some special places about it. The  windows seemed to be bulletproof and also one-sided since he couldn't see what was going on inside.

Though the walls and the door looked simple just by lightly knocking on them, Ling Xiao could tell that there was a layer of metal in them. The roof also looked a little thick .

''That should be the extra layer covering the solar panels, " Ling Xiao said.

Once they got a good look at the front yard, Ling Xiao began walking towards the backyard with Ling Qin following closely behind. Emilia had already opened the door and entered the villa.

"You guys go explore. I'll head on in," she said

"Alright," Ling Xiao called back

As they rounded the corner, the first thing they noticed upon arrival in the back yard was the green house. From the outside, Ling Xiao could already see that there were quite a lot of plants growing in the greenhouse, but he couldn't see what plants were growing in there exactly.

The rest of the backyard was also filled with quite a number of vegetables and flowers. There were also a number of fruit trees and a lot of grape vines spread growing on the walls. As they entered the greenhouse  they were greeted by a large variety of vegetables.

The greenhouse was spread out and separated into different sections by some glass walls. Each vegetable was in its own space, separated from the others. There was a clear path and a little distance between each little glass room.

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