25 Car Bonding

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"Hey Ling Qin let's go already. If we don't leave now we might miss the bus" said Blake one of Ling Qin's friend

"You can go ahead without me." He replied. "My dad is coming to pick me up today so I won't be taking the bus."
Just after saying that Ling Qin saw Ling Xiao exiting his car not too far from where he was.

"Look he is here already" Ling Qin said to Blake while pointing at his dad.

"Whoa that's your dad?!" Blake asked astonished.

"Ya what about it?" Ling Qin asked puzzled.

"He looks so cool and manly!!"Blake gushed

"What does your dad do? How does he look so cool. How is he so built?I can feel his aura all the way from here . And why haven't I seen him before. If my dad was that cool I would have totally brought him out to show off a bit, how come you keep your dad hidden."

"Stop exaggerating"Ling Qin replied

"I'm not ! Seriously your dad looks so cool and mighty, I'm not joking with you alright. If my dad was half as cool as yours I would be so satisfied that I would offer up all of my snacks up as an offering of thanks."

Thinking of Blake's father with the beer belly , missing hair and messy dress, Ling Xiao's favourability in Ling Qins' mind rose again. Seems that all that exercise dad does is worth something.

"Well I've gotta go" Ling Qin said to Blake as he stood up to head out. "Oh right, my dad is in the army, so if you also want your dad to be as dashing as mine get him to join too. A little exercise and jogging can work too" he said giving Blake a backhand wave

Blake"..." Thinking of his dad who loved munching down on food all the time , Blake knew that it was totally impossible. 'Hah guess I'm stuck with him then.' he breathed out heavily

"Dad" Ling Qin shouted once he got close enough to the car. He walked to the front passenger seat once he was done

"Hey kid. How was school?" Ling Xiao greeted back as he climbed back into his seat.

"It was ok" Ling Qin shrugged as he got comfortable.

"Hmm you should enjoy it more, after all you've only got less than two weeks before it disappears." Ling Xiao started the car and backed out of the school gate.

"I guess but there's nothing to enjoy anyway. "Ling Qin said not really caring much about it. He had already stopped schooling for a few years before, another time wouldn't make much of a difference to him.

"So where am I going?" Ling Xiao asked Ling Qin.

"The warehouse is at 243 Blubber street. It's not far from here just a few streets down." Ling Qin pointed out

Ling Xiao was shocked by how near the place was. He thought it would take some time to reach. "What made you choose there?" He asked genuinely curious.

"When I chose it,I chose a place that was relatively close by so that I would not have any trouble moving from home to there without raising mom's suspicion. Plus my classmate lives down there so mom wouldn't be suspicious if I went down there. I could just say that I was visiting a classmate." He responded. In fact not only will she not be suspicious she would probably be mad with joy. It's not like Ling Qin was oblivious to his mom's worry about how he was so closed of and had little to no friends, he had gone to the doctors with her before after all.

"Alright then" Ling Xiao said before he turned the car to head there. "That was quite smart of you." He finished

" Thanks after living with you for four years it's quite normal that I would have picked up some skills. Plus my intelligence was never low to begin with" Ling Qin snorted turning his head the other way

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