Yes princess you can . He bends down to my level and I put shampoo in his hair I scrubbed and scrubbed as he breathed heavily- he liked it I know he did . I condition it and rinsed and we get out of the shower . He hands me one of his tee- shirts and a pair of my panties that we'd got from my house . He slipped on boxers and a pair of sweatpants that showed off his very fit body . I layed in bed and cut on the tv .

Can we watch a movie Ryan pleaseeeeeee.

Go ahead put something on he says wrapping his hands around my waist as he layed on me . I played with his hair as I watched the sleepy Ryan go to sleep .
Ryan Martinez
I woke up to a wet feeling on my leg . I quickly jumped up thinking one of us pissed the bed but it wasn't it was blood. Oh fuck - oh fuck - oh fuck what do I do omg is she ok? Is she fucking dead . I tap her face lightly and she groaned as she turned over my white shirt coverd in blood and my white sheets stained. No princess wake up your period she quickly jumped up and looked down at herself tears rolled down her eyes in embarrassment. I grabbed her and held her tight as her blood got on me . Fuck- princess let's get you in the shower hmm?

I sat her on the toliet and ran warm bath water and placed her into it . I'll be right back princess stay right their I say calm but freaking the fuck out on the inside. Why the fuck was their so much of it ? I took my sheets and blankets off the bed and threw them out next getting clothes out for her . Oh shit I don't have pads oh fuck- I quickly ran to the bathroom to see a sad angel . Baby are you ok? I say giving her a head rub .

Mhm she says holding her stomach.

Tampons or pads love ?

Tampons she says looking away .

I grabbed her face making her look at me and she pouted.

Theirs nothing to be embarrassed about love ... ok

She lifted up giving me a peck on the lips and sunk back into the warm bath.

I didn't know what to do so I called ace .
          ace and Ryan's call

Ace I NEED YOU I say desperately

slow down Ryan what the hell is going on?

Blood theirs blood every fucking where ace !

DUDE- what .... Who did  you kill

Angel she's - she's Ryan stutters not being able to get a word out .


what - no she started her fucking period and I don't know what to do I'm freaking  the fuck out .

A Loud laugh erupted out of aces mouth he was practically wheezing so let me get something straight you've killed multiple and I mean multiple people and you are freaking out over that.  Hey at least ya know she's not pregnant he says jokingly. 


I'll be on my way to get her chocolate and some chips and what does she use tampons or pads ?

Tampons I say nonchalant.

It's funny your not even dating her and yet you take care of her so well Ryan.

Oh about that.........

At- at at save the details and juicy shit for me later I'll be there in a few minutes.

Thank you ace .... Really thank you .

The phone went silent as ace was in shock .

Uh - your welcome brother you know I got your back .

Yea I know .

Ace then hangs up holding the memory in his heart.

You alright princess I say with a concerned look .

Yes sir I'm ok  hey Ryan... angel was about to speak but a loud knock at the door interrupted the two .

Ryan gets up and goes the door opening it to see ace with a huge smile with stress hidden behind.

I grabbed the stuff from ace and he followed. Ryan after you finsh with her we have a problem....

I quickly rush to angel and give her all the supplies she needs chocolate,chips, tampons and heat pads .

Thank you Ryan and tell ace I said thank you also .

I nood and head back down stairs to see ace in destress.

What's going on ace ? I say with a concerned expression.

Back at the ware house all of are men are dying .... I don't know what the hell is going on down their but it's only 30 of are gaurds left some died due to homicide and some .... Uh- suicide .

Fuck- was the only thing to escape Ryan's lips .  Why the fuck are all of my gaurds dying all of a sudden this has to be something... I mean in order to do this you've have to be extremely skilled . Like a ...

A mafia boss ace and Ryan say together in sync.

Angel slowly walks down the step and straight to me she sat on my lap and layed On my chest putting her face in my neck .

Hey beautiful you feeling alright?

Mhm I'm ok handsome thank you.

I wrapped my hand around her waist and watched as she fell asleep. I sat her next to me put her feet on my lap.

So what do we do ... I don't know yet I'll stop by the ware house tonight and I guess figure out if some one knows anything.

Ace noods and turns his attention towards angel .

So what exactly happened yesterday hmm? Ace says moving his eyes back to Ryan .

Well Veronica showed up to my house .

Fuck- was the only thing that escaped aces lips .

Anddd she spoke with angel about how I'd never love her and how I didn't really like her and that she was only a fuck toy to me and about how I left her after she told me she loved me and bla bla bla.

And angels response  was ? Ace eyes widened.

Well she went inside packed all her shit and was about to leave and I - uh .


I expressed my feelings he exhaled and rolled his eyes.

And Then what ?

She beat veronicas ass .

And then .

We fucked on the couch .

Oh - um so you guys are a thing now I'm guessing.

Yes we are angel says waking from her sleep.

Sleep well beautiful?

Yes handsome I did . Now what and the hell are you guys gonna do about this ware house situation.

How the hell do you know about that angel ? Ace asked surprised .

Well you where screaming it ... angel explains.

Ryan let's out a deep chuckle that sent shivers down her spine.

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