Operation: Red Devil

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Chapter 4

Grand Entrance

"Yea next time don't be a hypocrite and listen to your own advice!" She quoted. Well since she reads lots of books I guess being my helper has cons for me. She turned and faced me. She reached her hands out. I grabbed them and hauled myself up.

"What happened to hardest advice to follow is your own," I retorted, as I got up and peered at the place I landed. The brown fence didn't seem the least bit damaged. While me........ That's a different story. The flowers beside it shone like diamonds. Moisture being formed on the leaves.

"Whatever. Let's move!" She said. She started running towards the main road. Dam I'm still wearing flip flops.

"Ugh. I'm the leader not you!" I mumbled, as I ran after her. I have to improve her teamwork. Clearly I'm injured and she runs. Girls these days.

I sprinted and caught up to her. The gravel crunched under my feet. The flip flops made it painful to run but I managed. I sent most of the hard rocks sprawling backwards with my running motion.

"You know losing to me in flip flops is like losing to Big Show in a race" I commented. I fell on my knees and panted. Gasping for breath, I was tired. I mean seriously I'm in flip-flops here.

"Well..... Umm.... I .... Uh..... I was waiting for you" she stuttered, as she turned around and faced me. She was as tired as I was. Now I also have to work on her stamina. Wow she's been my assistant for three years and she can't run two kilometers.

"And pausing like that would make even a donkey find out you're lying?" I added. Me and my mouth. I'm so cool right.

"Yea don't need lecture me. Now let's begin our search." She said. Don't tell me we run all the way back.

"Fine but this time don't wait for me," I said as I grinned. She started running madly, but she couldn't keep up and I soon crossed her. In flip flops. Again. Although this time I had to run faster because she was too. I believe my flip-flops may have ripped.

We reached my house. Those people were going back in the car. I quickly pulled Lexi under a bush. The smell of water overpowered my nose. Then I felt a stinging sensation only to see a thorn. Dam they hurt.

"He will ...... Mad ...... What ...... Do?" I heard some words of the conversation. Suddenly I heard a huge thud. I looked behind and saw Lexi had fallen. The men averted their gaze from each other and looked at us.

"Uh oh." Lexi said hopefully. How I hate that girl.

Operation: Red DevilOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora