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"I will love you for the rest of my life, James Barnes." Adeline pressed her face into the crook of James' throat, inhaling his smell. There was nothing in the entire world that could rival the way he smelt; like sea breeze and home. She would spend the rest of her life addicted to that smell, however long he went to war for. James' arms came around her, holding her tight against him as if he could never bear to let her go.

"I will love you forever, Adeline," He whispered back against her hair, hands pressing tight enough that if it had been anything but a goodbye she might have complained. As it was, she wished he would press tighter. Tight enough that maybe she couldn't breathe for long enough she would forget he was leaving her to fight the war. Her breath constricted in her throat as tears formed in her eyes, pressing her face close enough to his throat that he would never see them.

"Please come back to me." She hated when he pulled her face away from his throat, hands on her cheeks, to inspect the damage he had heard in her voice. His thumbs swiped over stray tears that she couldn't blink away. He leaned forward, pressing his lips against her forehead and lingering for seconds too long. She heard the shaky intake of his breath, he didn't want to leave her any more than she wanted to be left.

"Nothing could keep me from returning to you," He breathed, lips pressing against her skin. "And starting a family of our very own." He pulled back to look at her and she forced the biggest smile she could. She could hide her despair for one more hour so he didn't have to worry about how terrible she would feel being left alone. One of her hands fluttered over her stomach, wishing greatly that she was already with child but equally glad she wouldn't have to go through it alone while he was gone.

"You will write?" She said. He gave her a dubious look and laughed.

"I will write so often you will grow sick of me," He promised. She laughed.

"Impossible," She said, wrapping her arms around his body and pressing her palms against his shoulder blades. "Be careful, James."

"You as well, my angel."

"I cannot get in nearly as much trouble as you," She argued. He kissed her forehead again.

"Regardless, stay safe. You are my wife and there is nowhere I would rather be. I will come back to you." She smiled up at him.

"I will be holding you to that."

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