No. 7 - My Spidey-Sense Is Tingling

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Okay, this one has omegaverse and mpreg in it too as it connects to the previous one. So if you're not into that, then I suggest not reading. I just wanted to write the scene with Martin that's mentioned in the previous one.


No. 7 - My Spidey-Sense Is Tingling

Helplessness | Numbness | Blindness

He should've listened to Alec and Gil when they advised him not to go to Claremont. To not see his father and go with him to his therapy session. Of course something would end up going wrong, they usually always do. And it was even more risky and stupid going considering his current situation.... A pregnant omega around a bunch of dangerous alphas and killers... that certainly wasn't going to end well at all....

"Gavin, if you touch him again, so help me god I won't be responsible for what I do to you." Martin says, standing in front of Malcolm, who sits curled in on himself in the corner of the room.

A fight had broken out during the session, and the newest member of the group, Gavin Turner, had gotten a little too riled up, knocking the therapist unconscious and locking the guards out of the room. And unfortunately, Malcolm being the only omega in the room, had caught the alpha's attention and had been harmed by him, having been thrown up against the wall, and if it wasn't for his father pulling Gavin off of him, Malcolm isn't sure what would have happened. Nor would he like to find out.

Now, as Malcolm sits in the corner of the room away from the action, curled in on himself, his father stands in front of him, protecting him from Gavin. Shockingly, even Friar Pete stands with his father, helping to keep the other alpha away and prevent him from hurting him until the guards can get back in and subdue Gavin.

And Malcolm really hopes that they're able to get back in soon, cause he's not liking this one bit. Even if he has his father and Friar Pete protecting him. That just makes him feel a little... well, he doesn't really know how it makes him feel. But either way, he doesn't feel safe, and he wants to get the fuck out of here, go back home to his alpha where he's safe, but he can't. Not until Gavin has been sedated or taken care of.

He's not too concerned about the other prisoners in here, they're busy fighting each other, and he knows that they wouldn't dare touch him. But Gavin on the other hand... he's not been here very long, and he doesn't yet seem to know that the Surgeon's son is not to be harmed when he's here, and especially not when Martin Whitly is in the same room as you and will do anything to protect his son and unborn grandchild.

Gavin lets out a growl. "Get out of my way, Surgeon." He says. "And just maybe I'll go easy on that pretty little son of yours."

But Martin doesn't move out of the way. He stays standing right where he is, blocking Gavin from getting anywhere near Malcolm. And all Malcolm can do is sit there in the corner of the room helplessly as both his father and Friar Pete prevent Gavin from reaching him.

Honestly, if he wasn't currently pregnant, then Malcolm wouldn't be just sitting there while two alphas protect him. He's perfectly capable of looking after himself, considering he was trained by the FBI after all. A fact that a lot of people seem to forget just because he's an omega. But with being four, almost five months pregnant, he's got no choice but to sit back and let his father and Friar Pete protect him.

He watches on helplessly as Gavin launches himself at his father, pulling out a makeshift knife and stabbing him in the chest and slashing his throat.

"Dad!" Malcolm shouts, as his father falls to the floor, blood gushing out of the wound on his neck and chest.

Crawling over to his father's side as Friar Pete runs at Gavin before the alpha can get to him, knocking the small makeshift knife out of his hand, Malcolm pulls his father close to him, not caring in the slightest about the way his father's blood spurts out onto him. He doesn't give a shit about that. His father is dying, and despite the fact of who his father is, he still doesn't want to see his father dead, and he certainly didn't want to be there to witness it. Unfortunately it's looking very likely that today will be the day that his father dies, and he doesn't like it.

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