No. 5 - I've Got Red In My Ledger

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Hrm... We all know that Gil and the team would never do this in canon, but for whump purposes it's gotta happen.

Only one sub-prompt used, and it doesn't fit exactly, but it still works.


No. 5 - I've Got Red In My Ledger

Betrayal | Misunderstanding | Broken Nose

His mind is hazy, and all he can see is red. The entire room is coated in some sort of red... paint? He thinks? He doesn't know what the hell is going on or where the fuck he is. Everything leading up to this moment is a complete mystery to him, and no matter how hard he tries to remember, he just can't.

Looking around, he sucks in a breath as he notices the bloody bodies scattered around him. Then he notices the bloody knife he's holding....

He jumps up with a shout, throwing the knife to the floor, eyes wide as he gets a better look at the room. Blood is everywhere, coating the walls and the floor along with on himself and the bodies littering the floor.

Mind racing, he tries to recall what the hell happened, but he just can't. Something is blocking his memory, intentionally making him not remember a thing. The last thing he remembers was the killer he and the team were tracking down. After that though, he has absolutely no clue.

He doesn't know what he's done, and he's fearing the absolute worst. That he killed all these people. Why else would he be holding a bloody knife that is undoubtedly the murder weapon used to kill all these people? In his panic stricken mind, he cannot think of any other reason why he'd be holding the murder weapon if he's not the one who killed these people.

Too preoccupied with trying to remember what happened and stop himself from going into a full blown panic attack, Malcolm barely notices the door opening until it's too late, and a jolt of electricity is running through his body as he falls to the floor. He's being tasered. Never a very pleasant experience. He barely registers Gil's presence as he convulses on the ground, groaning in pain.

"Malcolm Bright, you're under arrest for murder." He only just catches Gil say, still a little dazed from being shocked as he's flipped over onto his stomach and his hands are being cuffed behind his back.

His eyes widen, as he's lifted up off the ground, and pushed out of the room. His gaze flicks to Dani, JT, and finally Gil. All of them wearing stone cold expressions as they watch another officer lead him out of the room.

He tries to stop, to break away from the officer's hold and run to Gil, but the officer keeps a tight hold of his arm, refusing to let him go and run over to the one person he so desperately needs right now. But as Gil barely reacts to Malcolm's attempt to run into his arms, Malcolm's heart shatters as he realizes that it may seem that Gil, Dani, and JT have given up on him. That they believe he's responsible for all this.

And for all he knows, he is the one responsible for it all, and they have every right to abandon him.


"Gil, I'm telling you, I don't know what happened!" Malcolm says, "I don't remember anything!"

He really doesn't remember what happened. He doesn't remember what the hell led up to him standing over all those dead bodies covered in blood and holding a bloody knife. He doesn't know if he killed all those people, or if he's being framed, and he has no way of making Gil and the others understand.

Then again, he doesn't know how to make them understand when he himself doesn't even know if he's innocent or guilty.

And now he's been arrested for murder, and and is currently cuffed down in a hospital bed. And Gil, Dani, and JT don't even seem to be trying to help him. It's like they've given up on him. Betrayed him by not even trying to find a way to help him, or figure out what happened.

Gil sighs, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, Malcolm, but the room you were in was bugged. The video footage showed you killing all those people." He says. "There's nothing we can do."

Malcolm chokes out a sob as he watches Gil get up from his seat, and head towards the door. "Gil, please!" He cries, sitting up in the hospital bed, tugging at the cuffs keeping him restrained. "Why won't you help me? I need you to help me!"

He doesn't understand. For the first time in, well... ever, Gil Arroyo isn't helping him. The one person he trusted the most, the one who's always been there for him, has given up on him. Sure he now knows that there's video proof that he killed those people, and that would make anyone believe he's undeniably guilty, but Malcolm doesn't remember doing any of that, and there must be a reason for it. Why would he kill them unprovoked? Something else must have happened leading up to it, and Malcolm's mind is completely blank on it all.

Gil stops, but doesn't turn around to face him. "Because I know about what you did to Endicott." He sighs. "Then that whole situation with your father...." He shakes his head, finally turning to look at Malcolm. "I never should've let you back on the team so soon after what happened with your father."

Hearing that, Malcolm freezes. If Gil knows what he did to Endicott, which means the rest of the team probably knows too. Does that mean they know that Ainsley was actually the one to kill him, and he just disposed of the body? He's not going to take any chances and ask him. He doesn't want the answer to that.

And him killing his father was in self defense. Martin Whitly was going to kill him, Malcolm had no choice but to kill his own father. He still doesn't like the fact that it happened, but it did, and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

"I'm sorry, Malcolm." Gil sighs, turning back around and heading towards the door, "But none of us can help you this time."

"No!" Malcolm screams, pulling at his restraints, needing to be free of them so he can get up and run towards Gil, to stop him from leaving. "Gil! Please!"

But it's no use. The one person who's comfort he so desperately needs right now, has just left him. He's all alone, and there's no one to help him. He's been abandoned, betrayed by the people he called his friends. By the ones he loved the most and so desperately needs right now. All because he killed those people and doesn't remember why. In their eyes now, he's no doubt a killer just like his father.

He's all alone, and they've given up on him.

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