Where Am I? (Angst ending)

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TW: Death, Blood

3rd person POV

"No!" Bucky yelled before Tony could open the door.

"Why? What's wrong?" Tony asked, worried.

"I'm still dangerous, he's still here," Bucky said, referring to the Winter Soldier.

"But you're you now, right?" I asked.

"I'm Bucky, but the Winter Soldier's still here, and he can still influence me. I just don't want to hurt you." Bucky said with tears visible in his eyes.

Bucky's POV

I was trying to stay, I really was. But I still felt myself fading in and out. Steve was the only one who had stayed and he was talking to me through the cell, which was helping. I was finally able to feel the last bit of the Winter Soldier losing power.

"Steve, I think I'm almost completely back!" I said excitedly.

3rd person POV

Steve went to flip the switch to open the cell door, and as he was doing so, said, "Good thing too, it's almost daybreak."

Then Bucky felt himself leave again. The Winter Soldier was back. And Bucky was completely powerless against him.

"Bucky," Steve said, oblivious, giving who he thought was Bucky a hug, "it's good to have you back."

The Winter Soldier held onto Steve so that he couldn't pull away, then carefully pulled a knife out of his own belt.

"What are you doing?" Steve asked, confused as to why the man he was hugging was taking something out of his belt.

The Winter Soldier quickly slashed Steve's neck, hitting his carotid artery.

"Bucky?" Steve said in shock, blood gushing from his neck.

The Winter Soldier pressed him against the wall, metal hand gripping  Steve's bleeding throat.

"Bucky?" Steve choked out, more frantic this time. "Where did my Bucky go?" tears were now pouring from his eyes as his face lost its color.

"Who the hell," the Winter Soldier said, feeling Steve's pulse weaken beneath his fingers, "is Bucky?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2021 ⏰

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