Flufftober Day 31: Holiday Traditions

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"Boo!" you yelled as you jumped out from behind a wall. Your fright nearly caused Bucky to fall and slosh his drink. Thankfully, what did spill from his cup only landed on the floor and not over your black angel costume.

"Jesus (Y/N), I know it's Halloween but please just calm down." He sighed as he stumbled forward, using the wall to support him.

"It's tradition though. If you don't scare someone at least once today then what's the whole point," your voice was more of a whine than anything else. Your hands move to fix the black feather halo that you dawned on your head.

Bucky straightened out his black suit and red horns that sat atop his head before helping you to fan out the feathers of your fake wings, "Thanks," you said as you took his hand and walked down the hall together back to the party that was raging in the rented lake house.

People faced around the kitchen and living room, bodies bumping into each other as you tried your best to maneuver your way around the group. Your eyes scanned the area for an exit but all you could see was too much-exposed skin for your liking.

Bucky guided you towards the patio where a couple of people were sitting around a fire, two of them drinking and one tending to the fire. Bucky's hand on your back guided you down the dock until you were out over the water and out of earshot from everyone else.

You felt Bucky wrap his arms around you and keep you close to him, his body keeping you warm on the October night. You sighed contently when you both started to sway to the music that floated out from the luxury cabin.

Bucky placed a light kiss on your lips before kneeling in front of you, his hand dipping into his pocket and he pulled out a small black ring, "Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me (Y/N)?"

Your mouth hung agape as you said yes over and over again, a smile spreading on his lips as he took his hand in yours and slid the plastic onto your finger.

He stood back up and wrapped his arms around you, "Sorry it's a plastic spider ring, I left the real one at home because I didn't want to ruin the surprise by you seeing a ring both in my pocket all night."

You pressed your lips to him, "I love it Bucky, almost as much as I love you."

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now