Chapter 1

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"I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, but if every single one had to happen to make sure I was right here, right now, to meet you, then I forgive myself for them all."





Y/n's POV

I was in a little flower field sitting under a little spruce tree. I was watching Tommy and Tubbo running around and just having a good time before we had to go review the votes for the election. I heard there was a new nominee for President and Big Q was going to be Vice President. I hadn't heard who the new nominee was, but it's bound to be interesting.

"Y/N!" I looked up to see Tubbo and Tommy had stopped goofing around and were looking in the direction of L'manburg and the SMP. I get up to see exactly what they are looking at. When I get over there I look at them, they just have a confused look on their faces, and it's scary how identical their faces look when they're confused.

"Who is that?" Tommy points at the people who are walking to the center of the SMP where the election was being held. "It might be the person taking Big Q's place running against Will." Tommy took a deep breath in and then let it out. He turned his head towards me as I put my hand on his shoulder.

"You'll be fine Tommy, hopefully they are a good sport." I smile at him, and he returns it with a weary smile of his own. I could clearly tell he was nervous about the election. "Do you know who the other nominee is Y/n?" Tubbo looked at me tilting his head a little.

I shake my head at him "No, I don't but he's here now. Let's go see who he is." I started heading down the hill into the SMP with the boys following me close behind.

When we walked to the bottom of the hill we saw Big Q and Wilbur waiting at the gate to the SMP. Both of them looked nervous when we were walking up to them. When we arrived at the gate, Wilbur had already put on his L'manburg uniform and Quakity had a suit and his signature beanie on.

"EY BIG T'S! Let's go, both of you have to change for the results of the elections in a few minutes!" Tommy, Tubbo, and Big Q started walking away laughing about something. I could still tell he was anxious about something and so was Will. I looked away from the three boys and turned to look at Will.

"Will, why are you and Big Q nervous?" I crossed my arms waiting for an answer from him. He takes a deep breath before all he says is "Follow me." He just starts walking away. I jog to catch up to him and I start to follow him.

"Where are we going, Will?" He just kept walking towards a group of people that had arrived at the SMP only moments ago. I looked over Will's shoulder to see clearly who had arrived. I saw George and Fundy just talking and it seemed they were the only ones there.

"George, Fundy." Both looked up at him, ending their conversation. They looked behind him where I was and they immediately got as nervous as Big Q and Will. What the hell is going on with everyone that sees me?! I walked out from behind Will and stood in front of all three of them.

"Someone tell me why the hell everyone is getting so nervous?" All three of them are being extremely hesitant to tell me whatever it is. "It's the new nominee for president." I raise an eyebrow at the three. "What does that have to do with you guys being nervous?" Will looked at Fundy then back at me. He sighed and started walking again. "I think it's better if I just show you." I started following Will again towards the center of the SMP. We slowed down to a stop and Will just pointed forwards at the podium. I'm still extremely confused, but I look to where he is pointing and I just freeze. Will just looked at me with a sympathetic look.

"That- can't be..." I feel like my entire body feels like it just got 10x heavier and my legs feel like they are going to give out on me. "Yeah, it's him." Wilbur put his hand on my shoulder to help me calm down. "You need to breathe Y/n." I hadn't realized that I had started breathing fast, but I immediately calmed myself down. I looked back at the person who Wilbur pointed to. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" I look up at Wilbur and give him a reassuring smile, that probably didn't look too convincing to Will though. He started walking over to us and both of us stood up straight.

"Ah, Wilbur!" He held his hand out for Will to shake it. Will was hesitant to shake his hand, but still did shake it. "Hello to you too." Will let go of his hand, and he looked over at me with a confused stare. "And you are?" I looked at Will for some encouragement and he just nodded. I took a deep breath and held my hand out to him. "Y/n, the second Secretary of State for L'manburg." He took my hand and shook it. "It's a pleasure." When he let go he stepped back and put his hands behind his back and bowed. He tilted his head up to look at me.

"I'm Shlatt."

~You're the One I'm Meant to be With~ A Technoblade x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now