Tutor Luke

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You and Luke are in highschool and he is your maths tutor

"I'm still confused on this problem though," you mumbled to Luke. He didn't respond, his mind seemed to be wandering. You tapped your pencil a few times to catch his attention. 

"Luke?" You asked. He jumped a bit, caught off guard. He shook his head and bit his lip.

"Sorry, (Y/N). I guess I zoned out for a bit. Which problem was it that you were stuck on?"

"The one we've been working on for the past few minutes," you grumbled. He still wasn't paying attention and started to play with his fingers. "Luke!" You said, "You're supposed to be my tutor aren't you? You aren't really helping much right now," you tease. He frowned. 

"You're right. I'm sorry (Y/N)," he muttered, not catching that you were only kidding.

"Luke, I was just kidding you know," you assure him. "But what's wrong? What's making you like this?" You ask. He said a few words under his breath that you couldn't decipher. 

"Seriously, it's fine. Let's just do your maths. It's why I'm here and you have that exam coming up," He insisted. You decided to just push past his mood and continue.

"So how do you do this problem then?" You asked while pointing to the textbook. He stared at the problem and furrowed his brow. It seemed like for once there was a problem he couldn't solve. "Do you know how to do it?" You asked.

"Of course I know how to do it!" He sounded defensive. "It's just like the other problems. You have to use the distance formula to check that it is a parallelogram."

You tried to follow his steps but they didn't make sense. "Luke, I don't think this is correct. The problem is asking for the midpoint, not the distance." He gave it another glance and thought about it. "Luke," you started to say. "Just tell me what's wrong. You never take this long to figure out a problem. We're not gonna get anything done if you're sitting here upset and I'm sitting here wondering why you're upset. 

He sighed. "Yeah, okay you're right. Well, do you know that guy who sits in the back of our maths class, Michael?"

"Clifford?" You asked. He nodded. "Yeah, what about him?"

"Well he caught me in the hallway earlier today. And he said a lot of things, but basically he told me he knows who I like. No big deal, but then he says he likes her too. And that she is 'his' girl and I don't stand a chance. His friends taunted me a bit- look I don't really want to get into what they did, but it wasn't very nice. He called me a few names, gave me a shove, then he was done." 

You had no idea what to say to him. Michael had always seemed like a cool guy. "Luke, I can't believe anybody would do something like that. But he's wrong. Of course you stand a chance, whoever she is, she is lucky to have someone like you that cares for her. And well...Michael must see you as a threat. Why else would he go out of his way to scare you?"

Luke paused for a moment and then gave a small sad smile. "Do you really think all of those things? About her being lucky to have me?" He asked.

You nodded. "Of course I do. Luke, you're great. Please don't doubt yourself because of anyone else."

He gave an even bigger smile this time, one much more sincere. "Thank you for saying that," he whispered. You smiled at him. His smile faded for a second and his cheeks turned rosy. "Well, all that having been said . . . (Y/N), will you go out with me?"

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