Club battle final: A hero's outcome

Start from the beginning

Larvesta: lar

Larvesta shoots its flames showing its strength.

Luke: larvesta has a really strong flame, I use it for all the special effects in every movie I make! 

Cilan: but this is a battle! It won't be as easy as that!

Cilan then starts evaluation time. Stunfisk fires scald. It hits but larvesta takes the hit. Larvesta fires string shot tiring Stunfisk up. Stunfisk fires thunder shock. Larvesta dodge and used bug buzz.  It damaged Stunfisk. Larvesta then used flamethrower, but Stunfisk used it to free himself from the string shot. Out of the fire Stunfisk was freed. Grim then saw Bianca go after Zorua again, even tackling iris when she thought Axew was a cloaked Zorua.  Cilan then callled Stunfisk to fly in the air. He flies through the air and use scald. Larvesta used sting shot on himself. It protected him from scald. Stunfisk then used mud bomb and the attack send larvesta into the air. It freed himself from the string and use of horns to shoot fire and fly. Larvesta then used flamethrower engulfing Stunfisk. Leaving a burnt, fainted Stunfisk.

Referee: Stunfisk is unable to battle, larvesta wins! And the winner of the match is Luke.

Both trainers returned their Pokémon and congratulated.

Cilan: hey Luke that was a most intriguing battle

Luke: sure was, thanks to you!

Cilan: yes I guess I did and that's due to my bad habit of forcing challengers to show me the best they can do! But you won, fair and square. Goody i in the semifinals.

Luke: thanks

They shook hands. Ash was to distracted by the battle but luckily pikachu got the footage. Now it was iris and Stephan battle. Stephan showed his new Pokémon, sawk, as iris used her emolga. On que grim and ash brought out brief Pokédex.

Pokédex: Sawk, the karate Pokémon, sawk ties it's belt to get pumped up and gives its punches an extra bit of power. Disturbing its training angers a sawk.

Emolga was the first to attack, she fires off attract but sawk used close combat to destroy the attract. Everyone was impressed by sawk power. He used block up to power up its moves. Emolga fires hidden power as sawk counter with double kick. There was a explosion and sawk jumps out and lands the hit. But emolga dodged the attack. But sawk then did the second kick sending emolga flying. She lands on the ground. Emolga gets up as iris commanded her to use hidden power. It hits but did little damage.  Stephan then asked iris if emolga knows any flying type moves. She did not.Sawk then used close combat dealing heavy damage, but static kicked in. Sawk ignore static and fires double kick. Iris then got an idea and had emolga use attract. Sawk deflected attract but sawk block the attract with close combat over and over. But then static built up and sawk couldn't move. Emolga fired off volt switch, it hits sawk and his exclaims in pain. He falls to the ground fainted.

Referee: emolga wins, which means the winner of the match is iris.

Iris: we did if our strategy worked we run emolga. 

They cheered for joy. Soon the semi finals begins. The cards shuffled were grim vs ash, and iris vs Luke.

Grim: it's time buddy

Gligar: gligar

The two looks at ash and pikachu, they look and traded nods.  Later it was match one it was ash  vs grim.

Grim: gligar get ready to rumble

Gligar flys on the field.

Gligar: gligar!

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