Kageyama stood up and helped Hinata up by the hand and allowed him to lean against him for support. Then Langa stood up and helped reki to his feet and looped an arm around his waist to keep him up.

"Can you stand?" Tsuki asked Yamaguchi as he stood up. Yamaguchi lifted his head and looked at him.

"Yeah..." He said hesitantly as he shakingly stood up and held on to Tsuki like if he didn't, he would sink into the ground. Tsuki wrapped his arms around Yamaguchi's waist and pulled him against his chest. He looked up at Suga with pure concern and worry on his face, something that wasn't common for his salty self to show.

"We can stay for a few more minutes," Suga said and walked around and to where Tsuki and Yamaguchi were. 

"Your heat didn't get triggered, did it?"  He asked quietly.

Yamaguchi shook his head, and both Suga and Tsuki felt a sense of relief.

"I think I'm okay now," Yamaguchi said as he pushed himself off of Tsuki just a bit. Suga gave them a soft smile as he turned and started to head out of the park. Langa and Reki followed hand in hand while Kageyama and Hinata waited for Yamaguchi and Tsuki to walk.

The four of them caught up to Suga, Langa, and Reki. As they walked beside them, Hinata's eye caught sight of the skateboard that rested under Langa's arm as he walked. He became a little mesmerized by it as the wheel spun from a gust of wind that blew by. He was fixated on it for several moments before he felt Kageyama tighten the grip he had on his hand. Looking up at him, he could see some worry still remained in his eyes.

"I'm okay," Hinata said with a smile, hoping to help Kageyama relax.

Kageyama didn't relax, however. He wasn't sure why he felt this overwhelming sense of worry for Hinata. All he wanted to do was go to their room when they got home and be alone with him.

"This is your house?" Langa questioned, taken back a bit as they began to walk up the driveway.

"Yeah! It's huge, isn't it!" Hinata replied excitedly.

"We are a pretty large pack after all," Suga added with a slight chuckle. He unlocked the front door, and they walked into the living room.
"I guess everyone went to do their own things today," he said, taking notice of how quiet the house was. He looked at Hinata and Kageyama, then at Tsuki and Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchi's face gave away the fact he still felt a little off. Suga looked at Langa, then at Reki's wrist. He let out a sigh.

"I think we should all take a nap and rest for a while," he said, and almost immediately after, watched Kageyama basically drag Hinata up the stairs and to their room. Tsuki looped his arm around Yamaguchi's waist and guided him up the stairs.

"I will bandage your injury. And you two are welcome to use one of the spare bedrooms to rest in," Suga said and led Langa and Reki into the kitchen. He motioned for them to sit at the table while he walked to the counter and opened one of the drawers.
He pulled out a small first aid kit. He sat down beside Reki and took his wrist in his hand. Reki slightly groaned as he put his head on the table, still not feeling completely better yet.

"What we're you guys doing at the park?" Langa asked as Suga cleaned the blood off his wrist and put some Neosporin on the scrape.

"We're planning a baby shower for our coach and club advisor. And I thought our house was going to be too small for everyone that was coming. I thought the park would be a good place to have it," Suga said, sounding a little defeated and still lost as to where to have the shower. He took some athletic tape out of the first aid kit and began to wrap Reki's wrist to help give it some support to help the sprain.

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