You are my life

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Joel just stared at me for 2 minutes.

Y/n: are you ok?

Joel: (started smiling) of course I'm ok. We will be a family. He came closer and hugged me.

After the supermarket we both drove to my apartment.

Y/n: so you will keep the baby?

Joel: (look irritated at me) certainly, what kind of question is this?

Y/n: I just want to be sure that I  I.. mean we don't ruin your life.

Joel: YOU are my life.

Y/n: (start crying)

Because of too many feelings we just look some films on Netflix and cuddle.

At the next morning I woke up next to Joel, it's a wonderful feeling. But out of nowhere came terrifying thought. What about our families, friends and co-workers? How will they react? I also should may tell Joel about the whole Joonas situation.

Joel: good morning sweetie, how long have you been awake?

Y/n: I woke up like 10 minutes earlier. How you feeling? Do you want to have breakfast first and then talk?

Joel: I'm feeling great. How about you? Let's have breakfast together.

Y/n: feeling mixed up

At the kitchen have made Joel some bread with cream cheese and cucumber for both of us. We started to talk in the living room after the breakfast.

Y/n: how do you think it should go on?

Joel: I don't really know. In my opinion you should decide, it's your body and life.

Y/n: Yes, but do you want to have a baby, it's a lot of work and it also affects your life.

Joel: I always wanted to have kids, but I never found the right person. I'm almost 30 and I would love to have this family with you.

Y/n: I think first we should go to a consultation.

Joel: ok I think you're right.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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