They were interrupted by another sound. But it wasn't caused by any of them. Before Talea could prepare herself of what was about to come, the door creaked open and for a moment, she was blinded by the amount of light that beamed into the room. 

She tried to blink away the white spots that had formed, trying to make out the blurred figure that had stepped into the room. She furrowed her brows and looked up at the person, she wished she could shield her eyes from the incoming light but they were bound together behind her back.

Was that? No, it couldn't be. She had expected someone else but it seemed like she was wrong. It was a person she hadn't seen for a long time but they still looked the same. But Talea couldn't say that she was happy to be in their presence, quite the opposite actually. 

Because right in front of them stood none other than their old friend, Severus Snape. 

"Well, well, well, if these aren't the infamous marauders and their newest member that has seemed to come back from the death."

"Nice to see you too Snivellus" hissed James. 

The greasy haired Slytherin tilted his head "I don't think you're in the position to mock me Potter, right now it is in my hands whether you survive this friendly meeting or not." 

It seemed like this caused James to shut his mouth. Severus head turned towards Talea "And there she is, the girl that is supposed to be Voldemorts end." 

She didn't reply, she only leaned back in the chair and watched him with a tilted head, sometimes silence said more than any words. 

"What do you want?" asked Regulus. 

"What do I want?" mocked Snape "You're not here because of me, you're here because of the dark Lord."

Tap, tap, tap. 

"Oh, look at you the dark Lord" repeated Sirius mockingly "Have you found another useless person to trail after like an annoying fly?" 

Snape's fists clenched, Talea wasn't able to see his face as he had his back turned towards her but she imagined that his expression had turned into anger. 

"You won't be laughing when you're rotting in hell you bastard!" he hissed in frustration. 

Talea stopped focusing on their conversation and turned her attention back to getting out of the ropes but it was no use. No matter how she turned her hands or wiggled her wrists, they were bound tight to her body, maybe even fixed with a spell. 

She was growing more and more nervous as the seconds past, she knew they didn't had much time left before- well, before everything was going down.

They needed more time, they needed to find a way out. Talea's feelings were all over the place, she didn't know whether the stressful situation was causing it or if it was supposed to be a sign. 

Her body slumped back against the chair, watching how Snape got caught up in the Marauders teasing as if nothing had happened, as if no time had passed. 

She always had a plan, something to rely on. There was always something, she always had some trick up her sleeve, something to surprise everyone with, something to save them all.

But right now? She had none. 

Not a single thought crossed her mind. 

Was this their end? 

Would this be the way how they would find their ends? Without a fight? Without any last rebellion?

What were you supposed to do if you couldn't even rely on yourself? 

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now