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Rudeth sent you a message!

Rudy: Hey millieeeee

Emelia: Hey Ru. What's up?

Rudy: Are we okay? I mean you've been kinda cold for a few days. I'm sorry if I'm just overthinking

Emelia: we're okay Ru

Rudy: oh alright. But you can talk to me about anything yk

Emelia: yeah ik. I'm debating whether I should tell you this or not

Rudy: Just spill

Emelia: so Elaine pretty much called me a bitch and told me to back away and stuff. Then she blocked me on Instagram a week ago :)

Rudy: wtf. I didn't know that. I'm so sorry

Emelia: it's alright idc what she thinks of me. I don't wanna ruin anything that you and Elaine have got going. So  Chase told me to be a lil distant from you and I agreed cuz it's for the best yk

Rudy: Seriously millie? I thought you were one of my best friend

Emelia: Idk Rudy I mean your girlfriend can't stand me so....

Rudy: Fine. Do whatever you wanna do

Emelia: I'm sorry Ru


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