Chapter Six

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[Aang, Sokka, and Toph arrive on Whale Tail Island. Appa lands on the shore. No sign of Vosra or his cronies in sight.]

Aang: Appa, find a place to hide. When I give the signal, find us as quietly as you can. Got it?

Appa: (Grumbles.)

Toph: New trick?

Aang: Sort of. Do your feet see anything?

Toph: There are a lot of deep tunnels here. Old Fire Nation towers, too; they use the same kind of metal to build everything.

Sokka: (Looking through a telescope.) I can see a few from here. Any sign of Katara?

Toph: (Shakes her head.)

Aang: Right. We need to get further in. Toph, you take lead- Sokka and I will keep an eye out.

[In agreement, they set off. Much of the landscape has been cut down, but patches of small trees have sprung up since the raiders left. Despite the faint sounds of birds, the trail is eerily quiet.]

Sokka: ...Is anyone else feeling nostalgic?

Toph: I think this is the part where you gush about how great I am.

Aang: Are you sensing anything yet?

Toph: Nope.

[A long silence ensues, as Aang's more serious mood begins to sink in.]

Sokka: Aang, are you doing okay?

Aang: No, Sokka, I'm not.

Toph: What's the matter, Twinkle-Toes? Women's intuition? I mean, Avatar instinct?

Aang: I just want to get this done as soon as possible. This place... doesn't feel right.

Sokka: Yeah, we're probably walking right into a trap.

Toph: Sweet. Get captured, break out, find Katara, and we'll be back before Appa gets worried.

Aang: Why capture her to begin with? Why the weird message? That guy didn't ask for anything, so he's not really holding her hostage. I just can't help but think...

Toph: That she's the bait? Wow, you were right, Sokka; this does feel nostalgic.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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