Chapter Two

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Sokka: "I see Kyoshi in the East, whose feet made heroes fall. I see Roku in the West, whose heart brought war on all. I see Aang in the South, whose hands in love were open. I see Kuruk in the North, whose mind was all but broken. But what do I see in the center? Men who raid and plunder."

Toph: That's what it says?

Aang: What does it mean?

Sokka: It sounds like it's meant to call you out; Kyoshi destroyed Chin the conqueror-

Aang: That guy wasn't a hero, Sokka.

Sokka: Don't interrupt! Roku spared Sozin, who started the war, you're... a nice guy, and something must've happened to Kuruk, I don't know.

Toph: Are you sure you're reading it right?

Sokka: The point is, Vosra gave his location away; Kyoshi island is east, the Fire Nation is directly west- or northwest, whatever- the Southern Air Temple is right below it, and the Northern Water Tribe, while not directly in front of it, is still north!

Toph: Sounds like you're jumping to conclusions to me.

Aang: Yeah, Sokka, I think you might need to get your geography checked.

Sokka: "Men who raid and plunder." He has to be talking about the Southern Raiders. It all fits!

Aang: Fine. I'm going to keep Appa moving forward, because it's our only lead and we've already gotten this far. But if this turns out to be a wild goose chase, you're going to have to take the blame when Zuko finds me and gets mad.

Toph: Zuko's always mad, Twinkle-Toes. What's the problem?

Aang: I'll tell you later. Faster, Appa!

Appa: (Grumbles.)

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