chapter 21: Don't be suspicious

Start from the beginning

"Perhaps you should taker her out, away from the crowds, and have a talk, communication is key in any relationship."

The blond sighed and ran a hand through his locks, which weren't greased back for once, "That should have been the first thing for me to think of, thank yo- oh." His eyes grey eyes connected with emerald and the familiar sneer constructed onto his face. His mouth opened before it closed again, a flush built onto his face as he looked back at Harry guiltily. "Sorry Potter, hope I didn't offend you."

The Boy-Who-Lived peered at the Slytherin with squinted eyes and mouth drawn open. "But you didn't even say anything."

"I was about to. And I...well. I want to apologize for how I've treated you since the first year, nothing can excuse my behaviour and I understand now how wrong it was of me to behave like that. A simple apology won't fix the damage that I've done to you and your friends but I hope my actions will show just how sincere I am. You don't have to accept my apology right now or ever, but you just deserve one." Draco swallowed and grasped his hands together tightly. Harry studied him. He was fidgeting more than he had seen him do in the past four years of studying at Hogwarts, he had been holding back more on trading insults and starting brawls.

But could he really forgive and forget?

"I can't every forget the way you were and how you treated Hermione. It was disgusting. Will I ever forgive you? I really don't know Malfoy, but we'll see, I'll try and be civil with you at the very least." The Gryffindor shrugged, Hermione nibbled her bottom lip, her eyes flitting between the two rivals. A small smile broke out on Draco's face.

"That's more than I expected but that's fair, why don't we all sit." His hands gestured to the seats around Hermione and they all sat back down.

"So....uhhh what were you all meeting in the library for?"

"We were coming up with a plan to present to Professor Dumbledore about how we can start a club on promoting the rights of magical creatures."

"It will be rather easy to convince him but getting students to agree will be hard on some points, the right of House Elves will be one of them, especially those of our class." Daphne gestured to herself and Draco.

"Convincing them that they're slaves will definitely be hard but I'm positive we can do it."

No. 12 Grimmauld Place,

Sirius rolled his eyes as Molly Weasley rushed back up the stairs to start cleaning one of the few rooms that were left to clean. If he was bothered he would simply set fire to the whole house and rebuild it, yet he was certain that his mother had found a way to prevent such damage from being done to his childhood house. A lot of cursed items have been found in many of the rooms and they were still working on how to open the door to his mother's and his father's rooms where there was sure to be plenty more.

Shacklebolt had called a meeting for the Order this coming evening, piquing his interest, no doubt it was about the Americans.

"Afternoon Padfoot, been up to any mischief recently?" Remus shuffled into the kitchen, a twinkle shining in his green eyes as he took off his wet jacket, a few of the stitches on it were fraying.

"I'm afraid I have not Moony, not much to do when you're stuck inside." He grumbles, his nose scrunches up and he face plants onto the table.

"Maybe this Order meeting will give you something more productive to do."

"I doubt it, it's always just an information dump, never something to do. It's not like we learn anything much in the first place, He's doing a good job of hiding his tracks." Remus hummed in agreement as he placed a newspaper on the table and started boiling water on the stove for some tea. The two spoke no more as the werewolf busied himself around the kitchen, setting up enough teapots for the whole Order.

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