I walked around the man's statue. His name wasn't on the front of the statue. And he had no plaque, which was used to tell visitors about the heroes. I headed towards the back and there was nothing there. He was still standing in the same pose. And from back on, I still felt just as intimidated.

The rows of statues were right before me. I saw a few of the statues located in the back. I wondered why the statues were behind the others. They might have been newer statues, compared to the others. I felt a connection to the statues like I was meant to stand with them. Or maybe beside them.

Glancing down at my feet, I saw a piece of the roof on the floor. Pieces of the roof had collapsed over the years and had landed onto some of the statues. There were a few cracks on the older statues. But you couldn't recognize them from all of the dust, which was collected on them.

I wondered how something so old could still be standing.

Placing my hand into my pocket, I saw the crack on his face. He was standing in front of a large wall. The wall wasn't anything special. And it was written in the ancient language. I had no idea what the ancient language meant when it was written down. But the spoken ancient language was similar to others.

I heard the goddess speak in the ancient language from time to time. And had gotten familiar with the words and how they were pronounced. But the written language was too confusing. And their symbols were nothing like ours.

Looking up at the cracked face, I realized how young he was. He was a teenager, around my age. If I had to ask. He held his hands onto his hips like he was proud to be standing among the others. I wondered if the statue was new. By the looks of them, they weren't as old as the rest of them. And he looked like he was holding a smile on his face.

I looked down at the plaque before him. Just one word was written down. And I was surprised that the word was written in our language, and not in the ancient symbols, like the rest.

"Shock-wave," Danny said. "Um."

Danny stood beside me with her hands onto her hips. She didn't seem to care about the statues. To her, the building was just like the others. Skeletons of a once proud and thriving civilization, which destroyed itself. She wasn't like me. She could care less about what the ancients were like.

Looking down at the plaque on the statue, I saw how Danny's dark hazel eyes were staring at it. She was staring at the words written on the plaque-like they were familiar to her. I had a feeling that the statues were newer compared to the others, due to the symbols being in our language, instead of the ancient language.

I looked up at the teenager's face. He wasn't like the other older statues. There was something about him like he was familiar to me. I wondered what kind of stone the statue was made out of. I had never seen such craftsmanship before.

The safe zone didn't have any statues located inside it. I placed my hand up to the statue. I just wanted to get a better look at it. The sound of electricity sparking came from the platform. The hum from the electricity in the platform wasn't too loud. But I noticed it.

My hand reached for the teenager's face. He was too tall for me to touch his chin. But my hand went through his statue. I wondered how such a thing was even possible.

"Um." I wondered. "It's not solid."

Danny smiled. "It's a hologram." She sounded confused by her analysis of the statue. "I guess."

Looking over her shoulder, Danny shrugged her shoulders. She had no idea if her analysis of the statue was even correct. I saw the look on Danny's face. She was giving me an 'I'm right' kind of gaze. There was a little touch of 'I'm smart too' stare in the corner of her eye. I wondered if the ancient people had holograms all over their city. But looking over the hall, I noticed some of the statues were stone. The older statues closer to the entrance were made out of some kind of stone. But the newer ones weren't made in such away. I wondered if there was a reason for that.

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