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A HOLLOW SOUND echoed through the building. I felt a ghostly feeling wash over my body. I looked around the hall at the statues, which were before me. The building was dark, compared to before.

Taking a step over the main doors, I went into the hall. The statues stood tall in front of me. I took another step towards the statue, which was standing tall right in front of me. The statue was standing far into the back. I glanced over my shoulder at Danny. She was standing in the doorway beside me. Her eyes were glued onto the amazing sight before us.

A step forward was all that I needed to take. I saw how Danny's eyes were glued at the structure. She was standing with her hands by her side. She looked relaxed, as she stared up at the statues.

I wondered if she was analyzing them.

The hall had a long needle located in the middle of the building. The long needle went up into the sky. It was called the CN Tower before the Hall of Heroes was built around it. Then the tower was called the Heroes Eye. But the women in the video called the tower, the Heroes Tower. She mentioned how the tower was where all of the heroes collected together. They went over all kinds of plans, and fought against them all, as one.

Looking up at the rooftop, I noticed how the glass roof of the building was gone. And with the clear sky, I was able to see the needle-shaped tower. The top of the tower was gone. I had a feeling that the top of the tower had fallen into the ruins over the years. I saw a half of a sphere-like shape standing on the peak of the tower. But the rest of the tower was gone.

I remembered the woman talking about the tower. She went on and on about the different names. And why the tower's name changed over the years. It mostly changed, because someone bought the tower and made some renovations to the exterior. I tried searching for every one of them. And saw hundreds of photos, which were taken over every time The tower looked the same. But there were slight changes to the structure over the years.

"Heroes Tower," I said as I looked up at the shattered remains of the sphere-like shape on the top. "Look." I pointed up at it. "Danny."

Danny looked up at the tower, then down at her feet. She didn't like looking up at the tall buildings. I had a feeling, it was because of how high they were. Some people found the tall buildings uncomfortable to look at. But I thought they were incredible.

I saw the same look wash over Danny's face. It was the same look that the goddess held on her face, every time someone asked her about what life was like. The look made me feel sad for her like she had lost someone close to her. And Danny looked the same way.

Placing my hand onto her shoulder, I smiled. I slipped my hand away from her shoulder. A simple touch of the shoulder was all that Danny needed, to return to reality. I knew not to ask Danny about what she was thinking. And even if I did ask. She wouldn't tell me the truth. She never spoke about her feelings. Not even to me.

I took a step back towards the statues. The inside of the building was hollow and full of dust. I was able to spot the statues. But they were filled with dust, from the years of sitting here, without anyone coming around to clean them.

The sound of my footsteps echoed through the building. I kept my footsteps short and quiet. I felt like someone was watching us. And I didn't want them to realize that I had caught on.

Walking up to the first statue, I felt small. The statue wasn't that big. But the way that the man was posed made me feel small. He had his hands on his hips and his head was looking up at the city. I looked over my shoulder in the direction he was looking at. I saw the sight, which he had admired for the past centuries. And it was a beautiful sight of collapsed skeletons with plants covering over the ruins, which stood in their place.

UNCOVERED - Last Resort Series - Book One - RAWWhere stories live. Discover now