Chapter 2: The Trost District

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no pov

A carriage enters a district filled with refugees, however, thanks to the recent expedition, the population gradually decreases and once the carriage reached it's destination, everyone got our from it, except for one boy, who was sleeping. Kicked by a soldier to wake up, he immediately got into his defensive stance to see that the instructor had kicked him.

Military Instructor #1: Rise and shine sleepy head, welcome to Trost, like I said just now, another military wagon will take you to the camp, but it will not leave until tomorrow morning. You're lucky I'm repeating my orders, or you'll be hanged.

Y/n: *half asleep* Yes sir...

Military Instructor #1: Good.

Leaving the young man, Y/n climbed out of the carriage and looked around, and saw the light of day, he never had the chance of seeing since the incident. He has a full day before being part of the military, he could escape just like that, but then again, if he does, Mason won't know what has happened to him and if he escapes, the military will kill him. Being lost in the train of thoughts, he accidently bumped into a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Y/n: Watch it, coconut! *the boy ignores* Punk

???: Armin wait! *runs pass Y/n followed by another girl* 

As he watch the two teenagers running to their friend and trying to comfort him, Y/n felt a little bad for calling the blonde kid names, he must have been through something. They don't look any younger than Y/n and they could have been from Shiganshina. Y/n then continued to walk away, ignoring the people around him. He was hungry but there were too many soldiers around and it is impossible to steal anything without being in a foot chase. Walking down the streets to not think of hunger, Y/n walks pass by a soldier sporting a different logo, the wings of freedom. A regiment dedicating their lives to know what's out in the world and killing titan. However, something hit both Y/n and the soldier, they stopped walking and stood still.

Though it was a feeling of something familiar, Y/n didn't want to turn around and continued to walk down an alleyway, but the man was following him, stopping in his track once more, Y/n slowly move his hand in his F/C vest and took out a throwing knife.

Y/n: Whoever you are, I am trying not to seek trouble... and I have a knife.

Y/n turns around and immediately throws the knife, the man caught it nonchalantly and Y/n was dumbfounded to see who it was.

???: *lowers the knife* You're still alive kid?

Y/n: I-I'm asking the same question... 










Y/n: Levi






Levi: *stirring his tea* Sorry for not coming back

Y/n: *looking at his tea* W-where... where were you? Where's Isabel?

Levi: *sipping his tea and had a little tear creeping out his eye* Became heroes.

Y/n: *teared up and stood up* Mase and I waited for you all, we followed your instruction... for 5 years Levi, we waited! 5 years, we had to steal what was easy for us to steal, we were beaten up, tortured and left alone again!

Forbidden Love (Male reader x Krista Lenz/Historia Reiss)Where stories live. Discover now