Chapter 14: Storytime

Începe de la început

Princess Luminous: Isn't that great to hear! Do you want me to show you around?? My parents are very nice people.

*Mirage kneels down with scepter in hand as he looks at the princess.*

Lord Mirage: I'm sure your parents are nothing but generous but I am but a visitor.. however, I will hand you something, something that'll be useful for you in the near future.

*Mirage pulls out a small knife.*

Lord Mirage: This is a representation of how the galaxy operates, young royalty.

*Mirage balances the knife on his finger.*

Lord Mirage: The gods set a balance for this galaxy, they wanted tranquility, however, one of them decided to strike back against the system that was made. The gods erupted into war & which caused the balance to break.

*Mirage tips the knife off balance as Lodestar is focused on it.*

Lord Mirage: Whenever balance is broken, lives are lost. While you not be able to comprehend what I'm telling you now, I'm sure you will remember it when you lose your innocence, these words I tell you will come in handy for the near future. Keep those in mind & keep this as a gift.

*Mirage hands her the knife and gets to his feet as Lodestar has a smile on her face.*

Princess Luminous: Sweet! Thank you friend!

Lord Mirage: Friend indeed, now run along. Go spend time with your family because only the deepest parts of the gargoyles minds will known what could happen next.

Happen next


Lodestar Luminous: SHUT UP!

*Lodestar immediately runs out if the room with years running down her eyes and she falls to the floor.*

Lodestar Luminous: Just get out of my head...

Lord Mirage: That's funny because I'm not in your head.

*Lodestar attempts to strike him but Mirage grabs her by the wrist.*

Lord Mirage: So, are we still friends?

Lodestar Luminous: ...

*Lodestar drops the knife down into her other hand and stabs Mirage in the side as she smiles.*

Lodestar Luminous: HOW DOES IT FEEL HUH?!

Lord Mirage: Are you done?

*Mirage shoves Lodestar off and takes the knife out of his side, he throws the knife at her feet as he stands there.*

Lodestar Luminous: You said a lot about my people and the legacy I have, how there's bloodshed & hell, how there is even a while planet lost..but what did doing that to US give you?

Lord Mirage: Satisfaction, to see the galaxy's most corrupt planet fall at my hands felt truly amazing..but that's not my end goal.

Lodestar Luminous: Of course it isn't why would it be.

Lord Mirage: Your people were just gnats being bothersome in the bigger picture.

Lodestar Luminous: There won't be a bigger picture when I'm through with you.

Lord Mirage: Now isn't that a bit rude to say to a friend?

*Lodestar screams and rushes at Mirage, she lunges to stab him but she fazes right through him and when she gets to the other side..she isn't on the ship. She is currently in the world between worlds, the darkened world with absolutely nothing in it surrounds Lodestar. Mirage appears behind Lodestar.*

Lord Mirage: A zebra's stripes never change color I guess.

Lodestar Luminous: How about YOU stop monologuing and FIGHT ME!

Lord Mirage: I'd fight you but..I have something to give you first.

*Mirage turns around and in his hand, is a necklace..but that necklace makes Lodestars thought process shatter because it's a purple star necklace. Mirage throws it on the ground in front of her.*

Lord Mirage: Something to make sure the legacy is still alive.

*Lodestars eyes burn a bright purple as Mirage stands there preparing for battle.*

Lord Mirage: Shall we commence?

Lodestar Luminous: I'll fucking kill you.

Lord Mirage: I implore you to try.


To Be Continued


Chapter 14: END.

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