Shadow Tomomi's Rescue Pt. 2

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As usual, a single orb comes down and Hiro grabs it. "Dah-da-dah-" "I swear to god, Rikiya, if you don't quit that repetitive theme, I'm finding whatever bandages those mummies dropped and strangling you with them!" Hiro threatens. The room suddenly goes bright and the group find themselves at a raining graveyard again. They turn and see a younger Rikiya and a similar age Tomomi, around freshman year of high school. They are in front of a gravestone with some words on it; Ren Tanimoto, beloved mother and friend to all. "Tanimoto-san, is this..." Ai asks. "Yeah. A while after my mom told me the truth of my dad, she passed away due to a seizure. Afterwards, I went to my real family and ever since then, I've lived with them." Rikiya says. The younger Rikiya stares at the gravestone and the younger Tomomi hugs her dear friend, the woman who raised him is now gone. "Rikiya-kun. I'm sorry for what has happened. Just know, that I will always be here for you." The younger Tomomi says. "Thanks, Tomomi-chan." The younger Rikiya replies. "But it wasn't just for him!" The same disembodied voice from earlier says. "That voice again!" Kap says. The being appears by the younger Tomomi. "You care for him, yes but you are really scared for him and yourself. Yet another close family is gone and it was against your dear friend." The voice says, before glaring at the Sovereign Heroes, specifically, glaring at Tomomi. It does an ear piercing screech, forcing everyone to cover their ears as the dark surrounds them all. It finally stops and they are at the sandy location again. "So those mummies... Were they based off of Rikiya's mom?" Hirozaku asks. "It's logical to assume that. However, we can't stop here. We have to keep going and save Tomomi's shadow now. We are already too deep now to back out, but we should take a rest. After everything that we have been through, it's for the best that we catch our breath." Kap says. "Yes, that does sound rather logical." Ai replies. "Good. Because I just wanna take a nap." Rikiya says as he leans to a wall, before he activates a button. The ground below them starts to shake. "USELESS-ASS PSYCHIC POWERS!" Hiro shouts angrily as the floor opens and all of the Sovereign Heroes fall to their doom.

They all fall a long way down before they all splash right onto the sewer water below them. They get up and get to some high ground. "Ptoo! That was fucking disgusting." Hiro says. "Hiro, don't you have some future cognition? Why didn't you let us know what was going to happen?" Asks Kap. "I have no fucking idea. Apparently when I NEED to use it, it doesn't work. Is it out of battery or juice or some shit?" Hiro attempts to glimpse in the future. "Nope, I could see the future just fine." Hiro says. "Perhaps it's because of your Jackpot." Rikiya replies. "There may be a drawback if you use your ultimate attack, and that being your foresight." He adds. "It does make sense. I guess it's a way to be careful of when you use it, and it's possible that the more people who use Jackpot, the longer it may take for you to recover from using the vision." Ai says. "Of course there's some drawback to that Jackpot. Knew it was too good to be true. Mental note to self, punch Rikiya." Hiro mutters. "Wait, where's Tomomi?!" Kap asks. Everyone looks around them and Tomomi is nowhere to be seen. She was falling with everyone a few minutes ago. "That bastard's gotta have Tomomi-chan taken somehow! Ai, heal us up and we can find him!" Rikiya requests. "Yes, we have to make sure she is safe!" Ai replies. Meanwhile, at the top of the castle, Tomomi opens her eyes and finds herself on her knees chained up next to her shadow self. "Wha-where am I?" Tomomi asks outloud as she looks at her predicament. "Guess she is awake now!" Says one voice. Tomomi looks up and sees a cloaked being with a scythe in a skeletal hand, a behemoth of a man with some nails on each side of his large forehead and a tattered suit. While on top is a miniature being with a hunchback and a single oversized eyeball glares at Tomomi. "She's up! The shrine maiden is up!" Says the hunchbacked gremlin in the same voice while giggling. "Good. Very good. I suppose we should take her soul now! Her being is very tasty!" The skeletal being says. "YOU SHALL NOT TOUCH THE GIRL!" A booming voice says. Then Cognitive Takuo steps fourth, his head under his armored arm. "Tomomi Oshiro. How much you have grown since I last saw you. You were rather petite when we met." Cognitive Takuo says. "Don't take this harshly child, I am simply dragging everyone with me. I'm dead and thus want others to follow me. And who else to start than with one who questions what goes on in the afterlife?" Cognitive Takuo says to her before turning to his minions. "You fools are not to lay a hand on her until I do. Her head will be perfect for my collection. Once I have her head, you will do what you wish." Cognitive Takuo says, which has Tomomi to look down. "Why is death allowed in the first place? Why do humans die? What happens to those who witnessed your demise?" Shadow Tomomi says. Tomomi looks up and turns to her shadow self. "You are frightened. Death is natural but scary, it is scary enough when it is natural but what about accidents, where unexpected loss happens by mistake via a crash or, in the case of Rikiya, this entire ordeal?" Asks Shadow Tomomi to which Tomomi doesn't say anything.

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