Chapter 21 - Shatter Me

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Somebody shine a light

I'm frozen by the fear in me

Somebody make me feel alive

And shatter me

So cut me from the line

Dizzy, spinning endlessly

Somebody make me feel alive

And shatter me


A moan escaped plump lips as a lithe body was roughly slammed against a nearby wall. Calloused hands gripped at dark locks, pulling the head of it's owner to the side so a greedy mouth could trail savage kisses and bites all along the neck presented.

"T-Tom ...fuck.." was rasped out as Harry Snape writhed against his lover.

He was on fire. His whole being was feeling with every nerve alight. His suit long since discarded in a pile somewhere in the room. Their magics collided in a violent tempest of desire, rolling around each other like waves on the sea. He couldn't think, could only grip at Tom's shoulders, instinctively vanishing their clothes. He relished the moan that was given when bare skin touched and he lifted his hips to gain friction. He whimpered, desperately wanting Tom to do something, anything to make it deeper.

"What do you want me to do first? Should I take you fast and rough, right here?" the Dark Lord whispered in his ear, never more aware of the lack of silencing charms over the room. An empty classroom at that. He didn't care though, who heard. The room was properly warded against anyone coming in, but he wanted everyone to hear just how much he owned this fascinating young man.

The teen in question mewled in response to the heated suggestions, causing Tom to flash a quick shark toothed grin. He tightened his hold, his red eyes sparking with manic fire.



::Mine:: he hissed and bit hard into Harry's neck, a shriek pealing out of the teen's throat and his orgasm ripping through him.

His eyes were blown wide in a mixture of shock and blind pleasure. Never had he known such raw sexual need before. Such a want to be dominated and owned by someone. Especially as he knew in all other things this man, who shared with no one, considered them equals. He was startled out of his thoughts when a dark chuckle sounded from the body above him. Wait, when did they moveto the floor? Harry's eyes widened in shock, catching the frenzied grin of his counterpart and barely registering that his lover was still hard before he felt deft fingers plunge inside of his entrance. He squirmed and winced, some of the earlier passion dimming as he was gently but skillfully stretched, but then they curled and his world exploded in bright lights. He yelped in surprise and unconsciously spread his legs wide.

::Tom...please:: he hissed, pleading for the older male to just claim him already.

The Dark Lord felt his control finally snap. He was instantly pushing inside his lover, holding still only briefly before setting a rough pace. He was mildly worried he was hurting his little snake but he needn't have. The little minx was clawing at his back, holding him close, hissing for more, harder, faster, make me beg Tom Riddle!

So the Lord of Slytherin obliged and grasped at Harry's hair , pulling hard as he slammed into his willing mate. And when at last Harry's second orgasm was ripped from him, Tom joined him, crashing into his release like a tidal wave to shore.

He shuddered and cradled his love close as they soaked in post orgasmic high, before gently pulling put and spelling them clean. The young Snape smiled, a genuine smile that so few ever saw, and curled against the man who had taken so much yet given so much in return.

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