Chapter 20 - Precious One

Start from the beginning

"Soon, you will have your revenge and the wizarding world will be ours for the taking. No one will stand in our way." he pressed his hips down, groaning at the hardness that rubbed so deliciously against his own.

Never could he get enough of the younger wizard. Harry felt magic from Tom wrap around him in a possessive blanket and taste of amaretto drenching him, making his head loll to the side and his eyes roll back. Even with the suit and gloves Tom just gave off so much power that he picked up on it with no problems. He reciprocated the firm press of their bodies, grinding against the older Slytherin above him. A hand snuck under his shirt and traveled to his left pectoral where skilled calloused fingers teased his nipple. Surprised, he cried out, bucking his hips and creating the most wonderful friction between them. Nips and kisses, clashing of teeth all of it only added to the dizzying sexual tension between them., drawing them taut like a cord.

"Ah....Tom....f-fuck!" Harry grit out, emotions swirling. He didn't know how much longer he could hold out.

And then it was destroyed when a flare of malicious intent came bearing down on them. Harry's eyes flashed and Tom had to fight off his natural reflex of killing the intruder. When they saw who was there, they adopted neutral expressions. Surprisingly it was not whom they expected, but was equally annoying to have interrupt them.

Minerva McGonagall , with the most severe manner about her. Her full lips, thinned in disgust and her arms crossed at her chest. Hatred shown in her eyes as she stared them down and Tom smirked in amusement. He remembered her from his school days. Always prim and proper and against anything that wasn't between a traditional monogamous relationship. It was sad really as he remembered a few females whose eyes she had caught that Tom would have thought she'd have paired well with.

"Why hello Professor." feeling rather sadistic, the Dark Lord shifted his pelvis against his lover, rubbing their flagging erections together and eliciting a mewl from Harry, " Fancy seeing you out here, mingling with the students."

Harry attempted to glare when he realized what his lover was doing but abandoned that when the older male leaned down and licked a trail up his neck.

:: I'm not on -oh gawd- exhibit, Tom :: Harry finally hissed softly.

The Lord of the Dark blinked then pulled back slowly so as not to give away that they were speaking the ancient snake tongue. He watched his little love closely and winced imperceptibly.

:: Sorry, pet. I wanted to tease your prude of a teacher. I didn't take your comfortability into account.:: he responded just as gently, eyes bleeding red to show he honestly hadn't meant harm.

The younger scoffed and rolled his eyes. Tom was apologizing. The world really was ending. He was grateful for it, however that wasn't why he protested.

:: You nutter, I didn't think you wanted me to be on display for anyone but you :: he corrected with fond exasperation.

A predatory gleam entered the Slytherin's gaze and he viciously claimed his lover's lips.

"None but me, child." he hissed in English, enjoying the bark of hoarse laughter he was gifted in response.

"Crazy old man."

"Old? Is that any way to talk to your betters?"

"Pffft, better at what? Being insane?"

Tom mocked glared but snorted. It was odd how at ease he was in this guise. How simple it was to let his guard down and merely tease his little snake. He could, for a few moments, forget he was a Dark Lord. Minerva's scoff of irritation brought the older wizard's attention back to the audience he held and he slowly rolled away from his delectable serpent. When he looked her in the eyes he cast a silent Legilimens and into her mind. It was pathetic how easy it was as well. The sickening amount of adoration and trust she carried for the headmaster was nothing short of appalling. As he had surmised, she was under strict instructions to spy on Reaper and Harry. To report any mishaps. To attempt to drive a wedge in between them and tell Dumbledore when she had, so that he could sweep in and destroy them.

She was even privy to a plot against Severus.

Finally ,he looked away and broke the connection between them. He stood and helped his lover stand before brushing himself off, maintaining his hair of indifference. The dead look that Harry spared the woman almost made him laugh. He managed to turn said humorous impulse into a satisfied smirk before finally addressing the woman.

"Did you need us for something, professor?" the young Snape finally asked.

The severe woman grimaced before leveling a glare at them both.

"Public displays of affection are strictly forbidden within Hogwarts' walls." she recited with a sniff of disdain.

Tom snorted, his glamoured teal eyes sharp. She really was full of herself if she thought they'd be cowed enough not to see that sentence and find a way around it.

"But, ma'am, we are outside of Hogwarts walls." 'Reaper' stated with barely a mocking tone to his voice.

The sound uttered by her at that statement could only be described as feral.

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