"The official looking guys are in charge of this?" Pictures of girls with cloth in their mouths and hands tied behind their back scattered all of the floor. Valen read the file about how those officials were testing on young girls to see if they could create powers. It was an unsuccessful experiment since the girls never made it through the first stage. "I should've killed them all when I was in that room."

"You, Romanoff, and Peter will go and rescue the hostages. Me, Rogers, Wilson, and Barton will take care of the rest."

"When do we go?"

"In three days. There is a meeting going on that will bring all the men together. We're expecting high security including the army that you all had encountered."

"Do the rest know?"

"Not yet. Haven't called the meeting."


Valen got suited in her room. She was ready to go free those girls. She looked in the mirror as she reflected back to when she wish someone would've gotten her out sooner. A tear slipped past her eye and she quickly wiped it away.

Peter knocked on her door before walking in. "V, you ready?"

Valen quickly ducked her head and wiped her eyes before looking at Peter. "Yeah. Let's go."

The group took off in a Quinjet. They landed away, but close enough to where the meeting was being held. Redwing flew over looking at the security, which was predicted correctly. It had doubled with men holding guns everywhere.

Tony, Steve, Clint, and Sam took off towards the meeting ready to get inside. Valen, Nat, and Peter headed off to where the girls were being held. They were in a large inside storage unit, not too far from the meeting place.

The outside looked rundown. Overgrown grass, the paneling was falling off in sections, bars were on windows that looked broken. It seemed as if no one has stepped inside this building for years.

Peter helped Nat and Valen get up to the roof. Nat used a laser to cut a hole that Peter held onto with a web. They didn't want it to fall down letting the people know intruders had come in. Peter then held onto Nat first, dropping her to the ground with him then going back up to do the same with Valen. He climbed the walls back up to the ceiling where he webbed the missing piece back in place to make sure no one noticed a random hole.

The three quietly made it down the rows and rows of storage units. All had locks at the bottom keeping the garage door shut. A guard on patrol was coming towards them. Nat and Peter stepped to the side to hide behind one of the units while Valen turned invisible. She stood right in the middle of the walkway waiting for the guard to approach her. Right before he ran into her, she stomped on his foot. She then made ice surround her hand and punched him straight up into the chin. The guard fell back out cold.

To Nat and Peter it looked like he just fell back on his own. They were clueless of what Valen really did.

"Show off." Peter whispered.

They continued down the hallway trying to find a safe exit for when they break out the girls. There were only two exits, both heavily guarded and watched at all times. They needed to take care of both sides so there were no attacks as the were escaping.

They flipped a coin earlier to decide which side first. Heads was right, tails was left. Peter had the honors of calling it, won by rock, paper, scissors against Valen. Nat was the one who flipped it. He had called heads, which was exactly how the coin landed.

Before approaching the right side, Valen pulled out her knives, still unseeable. Peter was on the ceiling as Nat held onto a gun as she quietly walked.

Valen | Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now