Run away!

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Somi POV

After I changed I went out in the living room where the others were. "So..." I said, "Since today is the first day there aren't any classes for you. We were supposed to have classes but were excused because we need to make you comfortable." Yeonjun explained, "Oh Ok. Anyone hungry? my mom sent me loads of food" I said holding up two packets. "Me!" Kai said, I chuckled and opened up the packs of the food and laid it on the table, "Dig In" I said and everyone started eating. 

After we ate we decided to play Uno in which I lost the first 2 rounds but won the last 2. At first I was kinda scared that I'd have to live with 5 boys until I graduate but they're fun even thought I know them just for a few hours. It's currently 7:00 pm and we're in the living room and we're listening to songs. "So...Somi where are you from?" Beomgyu asked, "Well I've been living in Seoul since I was born and I'm South Korean but I have people in my family who're from different places. For example My grandfather is Indian whereas my grandmother is Korean then there's my second aunt who's from America. Basically I have a mixed up family but I love it" I told. "WOW" Soobin seemed fascinated. 


Well we're heading to the cafeteria for dinner. I'm confused with all these hallways and corridors, I almost went the wrong way but Soobin caught my hand in time and said "We have to go this way!" I was embarrassed and went with him. It was too much of a rush so Taehyun was pushed by someone and accidentally dropped milk on this guy's shirt. "How dare you! I'll kill you!" He said and punched Taehyun. "Hyung! are you okay?" Kai said, I saw Taehyun was hurt badly. This got my violent side on. They'd been kind to me and I feel like they'll actually take care of me, seeing one of them being hurt made me feel bad. So, I Punched the guy with all my strength "Don't you dare touch my roommate! Its just milk. You can wash it!" I said, "Taehyun Run away! Quick! I'll handle him!" I yelled. "Oh you shouldn't have." He said and came to punch me, but me being shorter than him slid from under him and kicked him at the back. And we got into a fight. A bad fight.

Here I am. In the principal's office, with a milk and blood- stained guy standing next to me. I explained what happened but the principal won't listen to me! "Mr. Kim I told you he's the one who started it! My roommate accidentally dropped milk on him and he just punched him!" I explained but he wasn't ready to listen. That's when Soobin burst in and said "I have proof! I have proof that he started it. I always keep my mini dash-cam on! I caught everything that happened." My face lit up as I heard this. We connected the dash-cam to the computer and showed the principal the proof. He told me "Somi. I know you have a short-temper but please control it. Thank you Soobin for the evidence. You may leave I need to talk to Hyo-Joon" I nodded, bowed, and left. I let out a sigh and was startled by Soobin saying "Wow! You really hit him hard!" I chuckled and said "I took training. Anyways I want to thank you." he looked at me with a tilted head "Why?" he asked. "You saved me. Thanks to you I was not the one getting scolded like Hyo-Joon is right now." I told. "no problem!" he said.

Me, Kai, Beomgyu and Soobin had dinner and we packed some for Taehyun. We took some for Yeonjun too as he was with Taehyun. We reached the medical room and I went to the bed that Taehyun was on. "Here comes the fighter!" He said, I smiled and said "I beat him up good for what he did to you. Are you better now?" He sat up and replied "I'm better. What you said was true. You really are caring but in a violent way!" We all laughed. After Taehyun and Yeonjun ate we were back in our dorm, I changed the band-aids on Taehyun's head after the bathed. 

I got out my phone after a whole day. I finally had time to check my messages. I didn't have any messages but a mail saying 'welcome to the university!' it was from the e-mail id of the principal. I went out and asked "I'm ordering ice-cream, anyone else want some?" they stayed silent. I eventually ended up ordering for all of us. After I ordered I took a shower and went outside where I saw everyone sitting on the couch watching a horror movie. I joined them. We watched and after a while we heard a knock on the door which startled Yeonjun, "No! Somi don't open it! What if it's the ghost! It'll hurt us!" he yelled as I laughed and explained "It's the ice cream" he nodded as he was embarrassed. I went and opened the door and saw the delivery guy holding the ice cream, "Here mam, that'll be 2, 300 won" he said. I nodded and paid him as I took the ice cream and closed the door. "Ice cream time" I said, Soobin and Beomgyu got up and helped me serve the ice cream. I put the rest in the fridge. 

After the movie was over and we were done with the ice cream we went to our rooms to sleep. Me and Soobin stood there looking at the bed. "It's okay I'll put a mattress and sleep on the floor I anywa-" I said, "No I'll sleep on the couch you can sleep on the bed" Soobin cut me off. Hearing the fuss Yeonjun came in the room "Stop it! Can't you both just sleep on the same bed!" He said and left. Me and Soobin just stared at each other. 

Hey! Howz the story so far!? do ya'll like it?? I hope u do! Lets see what happens! (Sorry for the short chap)

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