Prologue (2) - Creation

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???th Century.

The Great War came to a great stop when the three great factions knew of the losses that have and would incur. The tension was there... but it was much less than before, letting them grow slowly. Especially the Angels and the Devils who have lost their original leaders.

But before the true end of this war. Before God met his end.

15-16th century.

Caliburn and Excalibur, meet the man himself. King Arthur. And his legends spread throughout the land, and the supernatural. But this was also the time for the Demon King's- or should I say "somebody" with his memories to be created.

Let me explain.

When he used his power to create a new person with his memories (or in retrospect, his soul or flesh), he destroyed his body and fragmented his soul, unlike what exactly he wanted. But that power messed with reality, and his soul was the origin. And him wanting to let his soul be used for the new being he was making, it did exactly that... but other magical interferences made a few problems

Instead of just those two things, the fragments fused with their surroundings. Becoming something different in the process of creating a new being. To which, where it was right now?

You can see where this is going.

A fragment of the Demon King's soul was on Caliburn, the sword in the stone. Although this soul was not his anymore, using that fact reality had begun to fuse this fragment with the holy power of Caliburn.

And the moment King Arthur would pick it up. It gained the stench of a human and became partially human itself. As it followed Caliburn, it slowly went on King Arthur. When he gained Excalibur, it synergized with Arthur and the sword. Changing that fragment forever.

Another fragment followed the fragment that landed on Caliburn, which will now be called the "Holy Fragment". This one landed on Merlin, who actually had a gut feeling about this fragment being there. Just, he didn't know the origins, or that it was a fragment of the Demon King's soul.

This man being part incubus, as a demon, did not change this fragment as much as it could have changed. The only thing that did change, was the future of this fragment's magic. This soul fragment will be the "Demonic Fragment".

Another fragment... was in the middle, the place where the most concentration of magic was. The middle of the great war, where all of the residue magic could be traced back to. As it greedily sucked any magical signature, any power, any form of matter, it devoured anything after taking that excess magical power in. It became greedy in its process of creation

Leaving almost nothing behind, this fragment will be called the "Great Fragment", it is also the reason why leftover residue from magic didn't ruin daily life.

Ajuka Beelzebub never found out why this phenomenon happened. The disappearance of residue was not looked into after a few years of no leads...

Then the "Last Fragment". This fragment was nowhere. Touched nothing. Did nothing. It was just in darkness, the vessel to bring the fragments back together. An empty bottle for water to be in. It was questionable where this fragment was, some say it was at the end of time. Beyond the Void. Or possibly in the Gap where Ophis resides.

Although this fragment still had Demonic residue, it slowly washed away...

There was another fragment there with it for a few weeks, months, or however, time passes there. It was there with the Last Fragment. This fragment could be called the "All-Fragment", unlike the others, it traveled everywhere and took in many things. Unlike the Great Fragment, it wasn't greedy and only took a bit of everything

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