Part 4

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It was now time to execute phase two of Natasha's plan. The gang decided to meet up at Clint's house.

"So what are we writing on these" Maria asked as she held up a piece of paper

"I don't know. Welcome to the widow's" Natasha replied in an unsure tone as she shrugged her shoulders

"I don't know Tasha. It sounds like we're inviting them to be widow's" Clint replied with a small chuckle

Natasha nodded in agreement "well, anyone else have any suggestions" she asked

Everyone started to shout out ideas, but then Natasha got an idea of her own.

"I got it" she stated and they all turned there attention to the red head "what about we do something simple" she suggested

They nodded

"What about we write. You're not alone" she suggested

"I like it. It's like saying there are people who don't feel like they belong as a sox's or as a greaser" T'challa replied

"So it settled we all agree" Maria asked

Natasha looked over at Clint "I like it" he agreed

"Great let's get to work" Natasha said happily as they started to write on the small pieces of paper they had taken out earlier

They all road to school in Maria's car, they wanted to get there an hour before school started knowing no one would be there except for a few teachers. They all went their separate ways. They each had a list of different students, on Natasha's she had Wanda Maximoff, James Barnes, Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers. 'Of course. Clint just had to put Steve Rogers on my paper knowing I have a crush on him' Natasha thought as she saw his name. Natasha quickly ran to each locker placing the notes inside. Once they were done they all met up outside by Maria's car.

"Everyone done" Natasha asked sorta out of breath from all the running around

They all nodded in confirmation

Shortly after the first bell rang which meant people were going to be going to their lookers soon.

"I'm nervous" Natasha admitted as she rubbed her hands together starting to second guess herself. 'Maybe starting this wasn't the best idea' she thought.


As Steve opened his locker a note fell out of it he quickly bent down and picked it up before opening it to read.

Dear Steve,

You've been recruited. If you are interested come to the address that will be placed on you next letter. We hope that you will join. There are plenty of us who don't like the fact we're separated into categories.

                                            P.S. You're not alone

Steve wondered who it could be from. Then he saw the black widow spider sticker on the envelope and knew who it was. It was the red head.

As the day went by Steve couldn't stop thinking about the red head. Did she really want to help? He asked himself. Or is she just doing this to get to Tony?

At lunch Steve noticed that Natasha nor any of her friends were in the cafeteria. He shook it off, as the lunch bell rang. It was now time for his last class of the day. He wondered if his, 'woah slow your roll shes not yours' he thought to himself but then continue on with his original thought will she be hear today. Steve's thoughts were quickly interrupted by the red head sitting next to him.

She turned to look at him with a smirk on her lips as their eyes locked. Green meeting blue. "Hi" she greeted with a friendly smile

"Hi" Steve greeted back

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