Part 1

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It was a quite day in the neighborhood or at least as quite as it could be for the last day of summer in 1950.

"Natasha come on we're gonna be late. I want to meet with the guys before summer ends" Tony said as he packed his bags for the beach

"I'm coming, I'm coming" Natasha rolled her eyes as she walked down the steps

Tony heard the foot steps and looked up as he grabbed a tee shirt out of his bag "here wear this" he said handing Natasha the tee shirt

"Tony we're going to a beach. I'm not gonna sweat my butt off, just because you don't want me to wear a swim suit" she said as she handed him back the tee shirt

Tony rolled his eyes in annoyance "then I guess we're ready to go"

She nodded and they were on their way. After a hour of driving they finally reached the beach. Tony didn't even bother to grab his stuff, he just ran to his friends with a huge smile on his face.

"So I guess I'm getting the bags" Natasha muttered to herself with a roll of her eyes as she grabbed the bag's

"Ah, I was gonna get those latter" Tony said as he saw his sister approaching them with bags in her hands

"Well I already got it" she said in a annoyed tone as she sat the bags down in the sand

Natasha has always hated hanging out with Tony and his friends. Don't get her wrong she loves Tony. He's her brother and he's nice when it's just them. But when his 'friends' are around that's when he becomes the bully. That everyone knows and hates.

After a few hours Natasha couldn't take them ignoring her any longer so she got up from her spot on the beach towel and began to walk along the shore. They didn't even notice the red head had left as they were to busy with their conversation to care.

As Natasha was walking along the beach something hard hit her in the shoulder and she turned around to see a volleyball laying on the ground beside her feet.

"HEY WATCH WERE YOU THROW THIS THING" she shouted so whoever threw it could hear her

Shortly after a guy ran up to her. He was tall with blonde hair and blue eyes like the ocean in front of her. Natasha's breath hitched as she looked at the blonde who had sweat running down his chiseled abs that made Natasha want to bite her lips.

"Sorry about that, Doll" he said as he picked up the ball

Natasha cleared her throat to get her head together "it's quite okay. Just watch where you throw that next time"

He nodded before he ran off with the ball.
After he ran off Natasha couldn't stop thinking about the handsome blonde. She cursed herself for not asking for his name.

Natasha was once again pulled from her thoughts when she heard Tony calling her name. Natasha sighed in annoyance as she ran up to her brother.

"There you are. When did you leave? Why did you" he asked curiously with a little bit of confusion as he furrowed his eyebrows at the red head

Natasha just shook her head "a little while ago. I needed to clear my head" she replied nonchalantly

Tony nodded in understanding "well the boys are gone. You want to go get ice cream"

Natasha smiled

Tony knew that his sister didn't like hanging out with his loser friends.

"I would love too" she replied as she hooked her arms with his and they headed towards his car


"Two chocolate chip ice cream cones please" Tony told the waitress

The waitress nodded before she went off to put in the order. A few moments later the waitress came to them with ice cream in her hands. "Here you go. Have a nice day" she said ever so politely with a friendly smile on her face

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