Getting to know eachother

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Rakshan :

Now let's get started with the main cooking and your time starts now .

Ashwin :

As it is the first round of main cooking we were asked to cook a dish of our own. I chose to cook Veg - Augratine. As a format of the cooking show first they will start with the Comali's and then continued by the cooks.

I asked my partner Sarath to get all the ingredients but my partner brought all the unwanted ingredients leaving behind the one which I want.

That is when I saw Sivaangi speaking to Pugazh. I dint like it don't know why. So when she came near my work station I asked her to get me wheat flour and she was like why should I get you that and Sarath asked Sivaangi don't you like him can't you bring it for him. I don't know what got into me out of nowhere I asked Sivaangi will you not do it for me to my surprise she accepted to get the wheat flour. As I asked in tamil to get Goduma maavu she was confused and she asked me what to bring I told her to bring wheat flour for me. She bought it for me from the pantry and I thanked her.

Later she asked me what I am cooking I told her it's Veg Augratine. She asked is it Veg I told it's pure veg and she was happy as made a vegetarian dish. She thanked me and ran away.

Finally we prepared the dish and we were waiting to present it the chef's. When my name was called Sivaangi ran to my table and took the dish to chef's to present it.

The chef and Rakshan teased her for it. When the name of the dish was asked partner was not able to answer it and Sivaangi told the name of my dish and when asked about her she was all blank. I felt happy and I gave her a hi-fi. She congratulated me for my dish as I got all praises from the chef.

I was selected for the chef of the week round and Sivaangi was also selected for it along with her cook Darsha.

When Sivaangi came to search for a vessel to my work station. I asked her to help me out in cutting onions and she was more than happy in doing it for me but she had to leave in between as her  cook was calling her.

Finally all the cooking rounds were over for the day and I won the chef of the week and Sivaangi was more than happy for me. They shoot was over for the day and we had to leave. I felt bad that the shoot was over and il have to go home and the one though running in my mind was I am gonna miss Sivaangi.

Sivaangi POV :

After the lunch break when we returned back to work. The chef's asked all the cook's to make a dish of there own and when I was coming out the pantry Ashwin called me and I was surprised that he asked to help him and I denied as I was not sure what my cook will tell if she sees me helping ashwin. But Sarath anna started asking me will I not help don't I like him and at the same time Ashwin asked me will you not do it for me . I was out of words and I can't deny him anymore and I went and bought him the wheat flour what he asked me to bring for him. I felt something when he asked me will you not do it for me.

After sometime when my cook was busy with her work I went to his table to check what he has made he said he has made a vegetarian dish Veg Augratine. I was very happy as il be able to taste it as it vegetarian.

Later when the chef's called him to present his dish for judgement. I ran to his table and took his dish to the chef's to present it.

Chef Venky and Rakshan anna teased me that y did I bring his dish for presentation.
I also told the name of his dish when Sarath Anna was not able to tell the name . Ashwin turned towards me to give an hifi which I least expected form him and to my embarrassment Rakshan anna asked the name of my dish and I was not aware of it.

Ashwin was selected and he got praised by the chef and I was Very Happy for him and I congratulated him. We were asked to cook for the next round which was chef of the week challenge. 

When I was searching for a vessel I went to ashwin work station which was just behind me. I don't know why did he choose the next work station to me but I was happy that my fav actor was there behind me. When I went to his work station he asked me to chop onions for him I forgot everything and I started helping him and when my cook asked me what are you doing there I didn't have an answer and I just ran back to my table.

Finally the results were announced Ashwin has won the chef of the week award and I was very happy for him.

It was a wrap and the only thought running in my mind was il not be able to meet him until next week.

Authors note :

Hello everyone 🤗

Hope you all are doing great and I am extremely sorry for the very late update. I was nto feeling well and then one by one came up. My in-laws came to my home and I was struck up with some problems.

It is a very short update.
Hope you like the chapter.

Promise will update on regular basis.

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