Iceland Freezer Smut

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Chantelle Gazed pensively into the deep Iceland Freezer. Behind the frozen pizza and undercooked shrimp was her family history. Generations of her family were conceived in this very freezer. Perhaps that's why it is never restocked...

As she leant in to get her 1kg bag of Turkey Dinosaurs, firm wrinkled hands placed themselves onto her. Those that could only belong to an Iceland Worker. 

"That's bang out of bruv, get your clapped hands of me!" Chantelle Screeched. However, because of her unfortunate position in the Iceland freezer, the only people who could hear her were the frozen sperm of her ancestors. As she struggled, her 100% real EEs and realer eyelashes brushed against the edge of the freezer, coating it in a layer of black caterpillars.

"You are a peng ting, luv." A familiar voice echoed through the still empty aisles of the store. It was AJ who got nearly all of her friends pregnant last year after their holiday to Ibiza. Her friend was going to keep the baby, but after seeing its ugly face, she lamented:

"OMG my baby looks like Bojo, fuck off!" And it was sent to the Tesco Horse Meat Lasagne Maker™.(Of Course Considering how many Children he has it may have in fact been a lost one.) Chantelle vowed not to let the greasy cunt slip inside of her. However by this point it was too late and she was there, exposed in the middle of iceland and as she felt him beggining to enter her she was so turned on she had to hold on to the crusty dusty Iceland own brand burger pattys turned to dust thanks to her colossal grip.

"It's beggining to feel good in here Chantelle," AJ said running his monstermunch finger thorough her hair the Hair Dye soaking deep into his skin. She quickly took noticed of this but it didn't matter. Her spray tan had soaked everything from his dick to the Iceland Turkey Dinosaurs(So much you wouldn't know they hadn't been cooked golden brown).

"Wait, how do you know my name are you even on my private story?" Chantelle inquired without losing the pace of movement.

"Why you vexed luv, I know everyone on that Ibiza trips name." AJ replied calmly.

"Aaah~" Chantelle Moaned echoing throughout the freezer she couldn't resist AJ throbbing deep inside of her. With hast Chantelle began to move her hips to his rhythm making the experience even more sensual for the both of them. Despite this they both knew this wouldn't last long so Chantelle took some initative and announced:

"Bruv, batter me like a chicken nugget." AJ was confused but did what he did best and thrust himself further and further into her. At the speed he was going and her Spray Tan began to melt functioning as a very impractical lube but both of them were loving it lost in a wild frenzy moving like savages. There ruinous behaviour made every aisle in the shop shake but It was completley fine they were the only people there enjoying this moment.

This constant fucking made Chantelle tired and she lifted her legs up wrapping them tightly around AJs defined body. The pleausre they were both feeling began to become insurmounatable and their was a shared feeling of understanding that they could both combust at any time.  This time was now:

"Chantelle I think I'm gonna-" At that moment AJ came everywhere in site: Into the Iceland Freezer, Into the Turkey Dinsosaurs but most importantly into Chantelle. AJ levered Chantelle out of the Freezer and they embraced secure in the knowledge she had done what her ansestors before her had done:

Banged in an Iceland Freezer

To their dismay this moment was ruined as they looked up to see all of Chantelle's ex Bestays from the Ibiza trip standing there. Before they could say anything she walked of serenaded by Kids Bop WAP on the loud speaker leaving AJ to fight them off. Now she just hoped her baby wouldn't be one for the Tesco Horse Meat Lasagne Maker.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2021 ⏰

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