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After everything that happened with the Hassaikai, Hado had begun to hang out more with Tsu and Uraraka. "Hey Hey, guys! Mind if I join you two for lunch?" Hado asked, "Sure, we don't mind!" Uraraka said as she gestured for Hado to take a seat. "Thanks! So, what's been going on with you two?" hado asked, "Nothing much, well... We are going to be having a sort of mock battle with Class 1-B in a few days." "Really?! I haven't really gotten to see what a lot of them can do. But the ones I saw at the sports festival really showed promise." Hado said, "Yeah, but just imagine them now." Uraraka said, "Ochaco's right, I bet most of them have improved their quirks quite a lot and have probably created super moves already." Tsu said, "Oh! Speaking of super moves, I've actually been working on a new one myself." Hado said, nearly jumping out of her seat. "Really? What is it?" Uraraka asked, "Hm hm~! Why tell you when I can show you?" Hado said, getting up. "Come with me! We'll head to gym gamma. No one's using it today." Hado said, "Are you sure we can do that?" Tsu asked, "Mhm! I've gotten the ok to use the gym whenever I want. So has Amajiki and Togeta." Hado said, "Well, if they got the ok. I guess we don't mind." Uraraka said, "Alright, ribbit. Let's go." Tsu added, the three left the cafeteria and soon arrived at gym gamma. "Alright, let's change into our gym clothes!" Hado said, the three did so. "Alright, so what's this new super move of yours. I'll show you after you guys demonstrate some of your moves." Hado said, "I guess we can show you what we've been working on, ribbit." Tsu said, both Uraraka and Tsu then began to show off just how much their quirks have improved. ["Hm-hm! They're really working up a sweat! Good...."] Hado thought to herself as she smiled. "Alright! I think you two have done enough, it's time for me to shine!" Hado said, skipping forward. "Phew! I really worked up a sweat there." "Me too, ribbit." The two 1-A girls said, "So a little explaining. You know how my spiral waves help me fly and attack bad guys?" Hado asked, "Yeah, you explained your quirk to us back at Ryukyu's agency." Uraraka said, "Glad you guys remembered! So with that being said, I found out something else I can use my spiral waves for!" Hado said, jumping with glee. "What would that be?" "Yeah, I'm really curious now." Uraraka and Tsu said, "Well, I can do... This!" Hado put her arms forward and shot two spiral waves at the two other girls. "What the-?! Ooooooh..... Pretty...." Uraraka said, falling under a trance. "Pretty... Spiralsssss... Ribbit...." Tsu said, falling under too. "Heh heh heh! That's it, girls... Watch the pretty spirals..... Do whatever they say." "Do whatever-." "The pretty spirals say...." The girls repeated, "Take off your shoes and socks." "Take off shoes...." "Take off socks, ribbit...." Tsu and Uraraka sat down and took off their shoes and socks. "Yay! They're doing whatever I tell them!" Hado jumped for joy as she clapped her hands. "Ok girls, let's see... Uraraka, give Tsu's foot a nice lick." Hado ordered, "Yes, pretty spirals.... I'll lick Tsu's foot." Uraraka took one of Tsu's feet and gave it a nice long lick. "Ribbit~...." Tsu shivered a little as she felt Uraraka's tongue go from her heel to her toes. "Suck on her toes a little too." "Ok~.... suck on pretty toes...." Uraraka then started to suck on each of Tsu's toes, using her tongue to swirl around them. "Hm... I think I should have some fun too. Tsu, use that tongue of yours and lick my feet." Hado said as she took off her shoes and socks. "Lick pretty spiral's... Pretty feet... Ribbit." Tsu stretched out her long tongue and began licking in between Hado's toes. "Ah, that feels good~!" Hado said as she wiggled her toes, Tsu was still licking in between them. "Uraraka, give Tsu's feet some loving kisses." "Loving kisses...." Uraraka then began to kiss Tsu's soles very softly and gently. "Oh... Ribbit~...." Tsu turned red a bit as Uraraka continued to kiss her soles. "It seems you like it, Tsu. Let's see if Uraraka likes it too." Hado said as she crawled over to Uraraka's feet and began to plant kisses of her own. "Oh.... feels nice...." Uraraka said as she continued giving smooches to Tsu's soles. "Give my soles a good licking, Tsu." Hado ordered as she laid down to continue kissing Uraraka's feet. "As you command... Pretty spirals...." Tsu said as she used her tongue to lick Hado's soles. All three girls continued to worship each other's feet for what felt like hours, until, "Huh? Oh crap! I think I hear someone...!" Hado whispered as she shot up. "You two, stand up and put your shoes and socks on...!" Hado said, beginning to do the same. "Yes, Pretty Spirals...." The two girls obeyed as they put on their socks and shoes. As they were putting on their footwear, Hado could hear the footsteps getting closer. "Come on, girls hurry up!" "Yes pretty-." "Just put on your-?!" The footsteps were getting closer and closer until. "Oh for the love of-HA!" Hado shot her spiral wave out, hoping to catch the person off guard. "Please work, let it have worked... hm? Huh?" Hado opened her eyes to see Aizawa, quirk activated. "Mr Aizawa! What are you doing here?!" Hado asked, "Uraraka and Asui didn't go to class. So I went looking around and heard that you took them here. Care to explain why?" Aizawa asked, "Eh-heh heh heh! Well, we were just doing some training! Isn't that right girls?!" Hado asked, looking at the two who had already put on their shoes. "Yes-." "SEE! We were just training!" Hado said, trying to play it cool. "Mhm. Girls, come over here." "Yes.... pretty spirals...." The two girls said as they walked over to him. "Pretty spirals, huh?" "Mmm... ok, you got me! We were doing a little mock battle when I hit them both with my shockwaves, at least I thought they were. But then they were in a trance and I was trying to figure out how to snap them out of it and I didn't want anyone to." "Sigh, so you tried fixing it yourself instead of coming to us." "Y-Yeah... Sorry...." Hado said, "So you tried doing the normal things such as snapping your fingers?" "Yeah, but it didn't work." Hado said, Aizawa looking over the two. "Hm... Interesting, their eyes seem to swirl as if they were spirals of their own." Aizawa said, then turning to Hado. "Try using your spirals on them again." "Right!" Hado did as was told, and sure enough, the two returned to normal. "Huh? Wha-what happened?" Uraraka asked, "Mr Aizawa? What are you doing here?" Tsu added, "We were training when I hit you with this attack that put you into a trance. It's like a new ability for my quirk or something." Hado said, "Really? I honestly don't remember anything before you came to talk to us." "Yeah, me too. Ribbit." "Well whatever the case, we'll have to work on this new ability of yours." Aizawa said, looking at Hado. "Sure thing! I can't wait to get this power under control!" Hado said with a smile. "Alright you three, let's head back to class." Aizawa said, the four leaving the arena. ["Hm hm hm! Phew! I actually got away with it!"] Hado thought to herself as she smiled. ["I know there's more than meets the eye here. Even if Hado doesn't want to tell me, I'll find out soon enough."] Aizawa thought as he looked over at the three girls now talking to each other.

My hero: Pretty spirals and pretty feetWhere stories live. Discover now